The Forest

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Becky & Quinn were walking through the forest and Becky loved how beautiful it was.

Becky-''This place is amazing.''

Becky smiled.

Becky-''I should sneak out more often with you, Quinn.''

Then Quinn's ears perked up as he heard something.

Becky-''What is it, boy?''

Quinn leaped up into a tree to get a better view and then Becky heard voices and hid behind a tree.

Becky-''Oh, no.''

Becky grabbed her bow and arrow as she heard the people approaching her.

Becky-''Here goes nothing.''

Becky stepped out from behind the tree as Quinn jumped down in front of her and she aimed her arrow at them!

Sasha & Bayley-''WHOA!''

Sasha & Bayley got a huge fright!

Becky-''Sasha? Bayley?''

Quinn realised Becky knew them.

Becky-''What are you two doing out here?''

Bayley-''Could you lower your arrow first?''

Becky-''Oh, sorry.''

Becky lowered her arrow and put it back in her bag.

Sasha-''Becky, what are you doing outside of the Kingdom walls?''

Bayley-''Did your dad finally allow you to come here?''

Becky-''Um....not exactly.''

Sasha-''You sneaked out?!''

Becky-''Yeah, I did. I couldn't take it anymore.''

Quinn sat down next to Becky.

Becky-''I'm tired of being treated like this fragile flower. I just want my Dad to trust me enough to know that I can look after myself.''

Sasha-''I understand. But I never thought you'd actually sneak out.''

Bayley-''Who's your adorable friend?''

Becky-''This is Quinn.''

Bayley-''Hi, Quinn.''

Bayley rubbed his head.

Bayley-''He's great.''

Becky-''Quinn knows this forest. So, he's giving me a tour basically.''

Sasha-''That's good.''

Bayley-''Well, we have to get going. You coming back to the Kingdom with us?''

Becky-''No, I'll go back later.''

Bayley-''Be careful, Becky. This forest might be beautiful but there are places in this forest that even Sasha and I haven't been.''

Sasha-''It could be dangerous.''

Becky-''Don't worry, Quinn will take care of me.''

Becky smiled.

Becky-''Come on, Quinn.''

Becky & Quinn started walking off.

Becky-''Oh, and one more thing!''

Becky turned around.

Becky-''Please don't tell anyone that you saw me here.''

Sasha-''Your secret is safe with us.''

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