Dean vs Undertaker!

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Becky & Sasha ran over to Paige & Charlotte as Finn & Bayley ran over to Seth & Roman.

Becky-''Why are you two fighting?!''

Paige pushed Charlotte against the wall.

Charlotte-''She's under a spell!''

Paige tackled Becky down as Finn pulled Seth off of Roman.

Roman-''Seth is under a spell.''

Finn-''What should we do?''

Roman-''Try not to hurt him.''

Seth pulled out his sword.

Finn-''Oh, great.''

Outside The Castle.

Dean stood up on Jack's back as Jack still had Undertaker in his claw.

Dean-''Keep flying around the castle, Jack!''

Flicka-''Dean, what are you going to do?''

Dean-''Anything I can.''

Dean took Flicka off his shoulder and sat her down on Jack's back.

Dean-''No matter what happens....stay here.''

Flicka-''But Dean-''

Dean-''I love you, Flicka.''

Dean turned and climbed down Jack's arm and he was going towards The Undertaker. But then Undertaker disappeared.

Dean-''Oh, no.''

Dean looked around.

Dean-''Do you see him, Jack?!''

Jack roared as he looked up. Dean looked up as well.

Undertaker-''You cannot defeat me!''

Dean-''We'll see about that.''

Dean climbed back up onto Jack's back.

Dean-''After him!''

Jack flew towards The Undertaker! But Undertaker would just disappear and reappear somewhere else and blast Jack with his powers!

Dean-''Jack, you alright?!''

Jack nodded.

Dean-''He has got to have a weakness.''

Then Undertaker made a huge ball of energy that was much bigger than before and sent it towards Jack!

Dean-''Jack, move!!''

Jack flew to the side so fast that Dean lost his balance and rolled down Jack's back!


Dean managed to hold onto Jack's tail as Jack flew above the boiling hot lava below them. Flicka flew over to Dean.


Dean-''I'm ok!''

Dean climbed up and stood by Jack's wing.

Dean-''The Undertaker has got to have a weakness, Flicka.''

Flicka looked over and suddenly noticed something shiny around The Undertaker's neck.

Flicka-''I'll be back!''

Flicka took off!

Dean-''Flicka? Flicka, no!''

Flicka flew towards The Undertaker and he tried to blast her with his powers but she was too fast!

Undertaker-''Stay still!''

Flicka flew around him to make him dizzy. Then she sat on his chest and grabbed hold of his necklace.

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