Finding Them

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Dean & Becky pulled away from their kiss and smiled at each other.



Dean & Becky saw their siblings run over to them.

Dean-''What are you guys doing here?''

Roman-''We're here to save you two?''

Becky-''Save us from what?''

Then Jack walked up to all of them.

Paige-''Becky, get back!''

Seth & Roman drew their swords as Paige & Charlotte aimed their arrows at Jack!

Dean & Becky-''NO!''

Dean ran in front of Jack facing everyone as Jack started growling.


Roman-''Dean, what are you doing?!''

Seth-''It's a dragon!''

Becky-''We know!''

Dean-''This dragon is my friend!''


Dean-''His name is Jack! Lower your weapons!''

Dean faced Jack.

Dean-''Calm down, Jack. Everything is alright. It's just my brothers.''

Dean & Becky looked at their siblings as they lowered their weapons.

Dean-''Is everyone calm?''

They nodded.

Dean-''Brothers, what are you doing here? Did you follow me?''

Seth-''We had to. You've been sneaking out everyday lately.''

Paige-''Same with us, Becky. Why didn't you just tell us?''

Becky-''I wasn't ready to tell you about Dean.''

Dean-''And I wasn't ready to tell you guys about Becky.''

Roman-''Why not?''

Dean-''I wasn't sure how I felt about Becky until a few days ago.''

Becky-''And I wasn't sure too. But now we both know that....''

Dean & Becky smiled at each other.

Dean & Becky-''We're in love.''

Charlotte-''Becky....Paige and I don't think Father is going to be happy about this.''

Becky-''Here we go again.''

Paige-''Becky, you know how overprotective Father is of us.''

Becky-''Us? You mean me.''


Becky-''No! I don't want to hear it. Dean, can we go?''

Dean-''Of course.''

Becky climbed up onto Jack's back and sat next to Quinn & Flicka.

Dean-''Are all of you going to climb on?''

Seth-''Are you serious?''

Dean-''Yes. Unless you want to spend all day walking home.''

Dean climbed up onto Jack's back.
Then everyone else climbed on. Jack dropped off Charlotte, Paige & Becky on the open field by their Kingdom.

Becky-''Dean, will I see you tomorrow?''

Dean-''We'll meet in your favourite place.''


Becky waved as Jack flew off! A few moments later, Jack flew up to Dean's balcony. Seth & Roman jumped off and landed on the balcony.

Dean-''Let's go, Jack!''

Jack flew off with Dean & Flicka!


Roman-''Where are they going now?''

Seth & Roman sighed.

The Stone Cold Kingdom.

Becky & Quinn walked ahead of Charlotte & Paige all the way into the castle.


Becky just kept walking.


Becky turned around.


Charlotte-''Listen, we're sorry about-''

Becky-''Sorry?! Really?!''

Paige-''Yes! We had no idea-''

Becky-''EXACTLY! You had no idea what was really going on!''

Then Austin walked up to them.

Austin-''What is going on here?!''

Austin saw Quinn.

Austin-''What is that?''

Becky-''It's fine, Daddy. He won't hurt anyone. I promise.''

Austin-''Alright, I believe you. But why are you all shouting at each other?''

Becky-''Oh, nothing. Just the fact that your other daughters ruined the happiest moment of my life!''

Charlotte-''Becky, we just-''

Becky-''Stay away from me!''

Becky stormed off with Quinn.

Austin-''Alright, you two are going to tell me what happened right now.''

Charlotte & Paige sighed.

Later That Evening At The Hunter Kingdom.

Jack dropped off Dean & Flicka on Dean's balcony.

Dean-''See you soon, Jack!''

Flicka-''Bye, Jack!''

Jack flew off!

Dean & Flicka walked into his room as the door opened. Finn, Jimmy & Jey walked in.

Dean-''Why are all of you here?''

Finn-''We're here to keep the peace.''


Seth & Roman walked in.


Seth-''Dean, we-''

Dean-''I don't want to talk to you two!''

Roman-''We know. But Mother and Father want to see you.''


Triple H-''DEAN!''

Dean left his room with Flicka.

The Stone Cold Kingdom.

Becky was in her room with Quinn when Bayley, Sasha, Nikki and Brie walked in.

Becky-''Why are all of you here?''

Nikki-''We're here to keep the peace.''

Paige & Charlotte walked in.

Paige-''Becky, I know you're mad. But Father is angry.''



Becky walked off with Quinn.

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