Who are you?

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"Get back here, Drake!"

Drake laughed when Jack chased after him. He always thought it was funny when Jack was annoyed with him. Sometimes, he would actually throw fireballs at him, making it even more interesting to Drake. Drake simply kept flying away from Jack.

Drake had half-long black hair and red eyes. His skin was very pale, because he was a vampire. In a matter of fact, Drake was the vampire prince. Whenever the vampire prince smirked, his fangs were visible.

Jack had half-long red hair. His hair was a little curly too. His eyes were red, because he was the Fire prince. You could basically see the fire in the prince's eyes.

"Jack, you are wasting your time, there is no way you would be able to catch him."

It seemed like James had followed Jack. James was Jack's best friend and his personal guard. The Fire Prince definitely needed someone to guard him, otherwise he would have got in a lot of trouble. James had short ash blond hair and green eyes.

"You should listen to your friend, Jackie. You can't catch me." Drake said with a wink.

"I'm not giving up yet! You kissed me on the lips for no reason at all!" Jack said furiously, his face was slightly red.

"Oh please, be glad someone kisses those lips of yours, otherwise no one would kiss you." Drake rolled his eyes.

"How rude..." Jack muttered, looking pretty annoyed. "And for your information, I'm just looking for the right guy. Unfortunately for you, it's NOT you."

"Like I want to spend eternity with you."

"You both are so childish sometimes..." James mumbled, shaking his head a bit.

Jack kept running after Drake and James would just follow Jack, making sure the Prince wouldn't get in trouble. Drake seemed to be having a lot of fun messing around with Jack.

The two used to be good friends when they were younger, but King Jordan was a little concerned about the friendship, knowing Drake was growing older and would become more powerful over the years. The king was worried his son be bitten by the Vampire Prince by accident, so the contact was limited.

Once Drake and Jack both were trained to control their powers, they met each other again. Although, it was obvious the two changed a lot over the years. Jack was slightly more serious and was easily bothered by things, while Drake was still very playful and definitely could handle a joke. Drake's father, the Vampire King, encouraged Drake's playful behaviour, hoping his son would find a nice suitor on his way. Without a mate, Drake was basically just looking for someone as good as his mate would have been. Yet, he didn't have a lot of luck with that.

"Hey...! Stop running. You two are reaching a dangerous territory." James said when he still kept running after Jack and Drake.

Jack stopped running and looked at James with questioning eyes. "What do you mean?"

Drake landed on his feet and then he raised an eyebrow at James. "What could be dangerous about this place? There is just a black rotten tree here on this small hill."

"You guys are really dense sometimes... You know this is place is the portal to the Shadow Kingdom, right...?" James muttered, pointing to a board which read 'DANGEROUS PLACE! PORTAL COULD OPEN UP RANDOMLY'.

"Well, I suppose I just couldn't read when I was flying over here." Drake said with a shrug.

Jack frowned. "We should probably move away from this place... If this portal opens up randomly, then we will be in a lot of trouble...."

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