The Strange Connection

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Drake couldn't sleep at all. It wasn't like he needed actual sleep. At least, he didn't need a lot of sleep... Still, he  could use some peace and quiet for a while, keeping his mind blank for just a moment. It was obvious he would not be able to achieve that.

He couldn't get Gabriel out of his head. It was like that since the moment he laid his eyes on the Shadow Prince. He felt a spark he hadn't felt before, something that was driving him insane. What could be the reason for this strange connection he felt with the grumpy, yet mysterious guy... Heck, he didn't know anything about the Shadow Prince. The guy was nothing more than a stranger! The connection just didn't make sense. There should be no reason why he felt this way.

Maybe he had to ask his father what such a connection could mean... The only thing that would come to his mind was the connection vampires would feel if they have found their significant other, also known as their mate. But that was impossible: His mate was dead, his father told him so. Maybe there were other connections he could have with people?

"Ugh...!" Drake muttered when he sat up from the bed. 

He floated over to the window and opened it. He looked outside, looking at the moon. It was looking as usual, no hint of red was there. Well, that meant he wouldn't have to hunt soon.
He looked back at the bed for a moment. He knew he probably had to do something in order to calm himself. Maybe... maybe he could watch Gabriel for a moment? Maybe he could see something unusual, something he could use to make more sense of the situation...

"Let's give it a shot..." He mumbled before he floated out of the bedroom.

He began floating towards the guestroom where Gabriel was sleeping. He knew this was probably a bad idea, but maybe it could ease his mind some more. He just needed to know more about the guy and what the connection would mean. Would Gabriel feel something too or doesn't he feel anything at all?

Drake couldn't see much when he was floating in front of the window. The curtains were closed, blocking his view. Maybe this was the sign to just turn back and go back to his room, stopping himself from doing something stupid...

Of course, Drake didn't stop here. He began trying to open the window slowly and softly. Once he managed to open it, he slowly began to open the curtains. He began to look at the bed Gabriel was sleeping in tonight. However, no one seemed to be sleeping in the bed.
Drake tilted his head in confusion. Why was the Shadow Prince not sleeping?

He began to float inside the room to look around. Did the prince sneak out?
Drake began to speculate. Maybe the Shadow Prince was looking around to get more information for his father for some kind of battle the Shadow King was planning. If that was the case, he would need to find Gabriel right now!

However, Drake was distracted from his thoughts when he was suddenly pushed against the wall. He yelped when he noticed someone was pinning him against the wall.
Two glowing green eyes were staring into his black eyes. Drake couldn't help it but to feel slightly threatened. 

"What are you doing here...?" 

Drake smiled nervously. "Just checking on you. In case you decide to do something against this Kingdom."

Gabriel narrowed his eyes a bit more. "Do you really think I would come to the surface because I was ordered to come here?"


Gabriel huffed. "Why would I risk coming here when I know people would try to kill me if they know where I am from?"

"It's not like people from your world haven't tried to kill the people up here..." Drake mumbled.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2021 ⏰

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