Stranger than Strange

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"What do I do with this Vampire Prince in my arms...?"

"How should I know what you should do with him, Gabriel?"

"I suppose we're not allowed to leave, are we...?"

"What do you think, Jack...?"

Drake slowly regained his conscious again, wondering what just happened. He just met this guy with these beautiful green eyes. Heck, that guy definitely was very handsome, Drake was certain he probably just dreamed saw this guy. It was almost like he felt a strong connection between the two of them, like they had known each other. Almost like this guy was his mate. Then again, that was impossible, Drake didn't have a mate, his father told him so. Yeah, Drake knew he just dreamed this guy up, there was no other explanation for this.

Drake opened his eyes again and then he yelped, pulling himself away from the guy who was holding him. "You...!"

Gabriel raised an eyebrow, wondering what was up with this guy. "Also hello..."

Drake wasn't sure why, but he once again had this strange feeling when he looked at Gabriel, the strange connection between the two of them was definitely present.

"Do you usually fall in the arms of a stranger...?"

"W-what? No! Of course not! It was probably... probably because I hit my head when I fell down through that Portal." Drake quickly said.

"You seemed to be fine when we checked up on you." Maria said when looked at Drake and Gabriel.

"Maybe he just needed an excuse to fall into Gabriel's arms." Sydney snickered, looking pretty amused.

Gabriel frowned and then he looked at Jack, James and Drake. "So, you three have fallen down here through one of the Portals...?"

"Does it look like we come from this place?" James mumbled sarcastically.

"I take that as a yes..." Gabriel rolled his eyes and then he turned to Samuel, Maria and Sydney. "And you three decided to bring to them back to their own World...?"

"They forced me to!" Sydney yelled, pointing at Maria and Samuel. "I said we should bring them to Father, but they were like 'it doesn't feel right'. I would never disobey Father's wishes if they didn't force me to help them."

"And you couldn't do anything...? Like warn someone else?"

"Eh... I suppose I could have done something like that...." Sydney mumbled to Gabriel, looking down at his feet.

Gabriel turned to Samuel and Maria. "What would you two have done if Father found out...? Father might be less harsh on you, Samuel, but Maria... Father would definitely not be nice to you when he finds out about this..."

"I just... I just wanted to see the surface... Papa always told me how pretty it was and I thought... Well, this would be the chance to finally see this world." Maria said softly, looking down at her feet.

Gabriel just shook his head, wondering what his siblings were thinking.

"I just don't understand why we can't see this 'surface' world. I mean, we aren't prisoners down here, right?" Samuel said, looking a bit confused.

"Look, we can't just travel through these Portals because we want to. There is a reason why our Kingdom is separated from the other Kingdoms." Gabriel tried to explain.

"Then why are the Portals opening up?"

"To at least have some connection to the other Kingdoms." Gabriel said, although he was unsure about his answer. "What's up with all these questions...?"

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