Stuck on the Surface World

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"My son, can you once again explain to me why these three children of the Shadow King are here...?"

Jack smiled sheepishly to King Jordan, knowing this wasn't something he had in mind when they got back to their own World.

James definitely didn't like the idea either, wondering if he would have to pack his stuff and move back into the village, moving back in with his mother... He only was allowed to stay here in the castle, because it was his duty to protect Jack.

Drake decided to tag along with Jack and James, knowing he was a part of this. After all, they all met these Shadow people when the fell down the Portal. He just hoped the three Shadow people would find their way back home more quickly. Now he was obligated to stick around Gabriel longer than he wanted to. He hoped this strange feeling he got would disappear once he got home, thinking it would be better to forget all about the guy. He didn't want to figure out what the connection he felt meant.

Jack knew he would explain what happened not too long ago. He glanced at the three Shadow people before he turned to his Father again. "Well... what happened was..."


Gabriel let go of Maria and Samuel's arms and then he stared at the place the Portal just was. How could he have let his happen? Still, he couldn't let Maria and Samuel just enter this World on their own. As the oldest brother he was supposed to look after them, if Father figured out he hadn't at least tried to protect them, he would be in a lot more trouble.

He glanced at Samuel, who seemed to be unsure of what to do next. His younger brother barely got used to the Shadow Kingdom and he was thrown in yet another new World he has never been to. He wondered the Samuel's anxiety wouldn't get the best of him.

Then he looked at Maria, who was just looking excited. She was always obsessed with things that came from the Surface World. She thought every little thing was a lot more beautiful than things from the Shadow Kingdom. Then again, it wasn't her fault she thought like that. Her 'papa' was an Outsider himself. Father saw potential in the man and then took him as one of his husbands. Maria just grew up with Tales of the Beautiful Surface World, she couldn't completely help the fact she liked the Surface World so much... Still, they wouldn't be here if she didn't decided to follow these Outsiders.

"Okay, the fun is over... It's time to look for another Portal." Gabriel said, looking seriously at Maria.

"Oh come on, brother... Why can't we just explore this World a little longer? I mean, the Shadow Kingdom used to be a part of this World, but was banished to the underground. They didn't like the manipulative side of the Shadow Magic and the darkness that came with our powers. I mean, we used to live together in Harmony with the other Kingdoms." Maria said. "Papa has told me all about the War and how it influenced this World and ours."

"Maria, we are going back and that's final. We don't belong here and it's dangerous for us to be here." Gabriel said seriously. "What would have happened if you stranded here on your own...?"

"I would have begun travelling around this World." Maria said with a bright smile.

"But Maria... The people here wouldn't be very nice to our kind..." Samuel said softly, looking worried.

"Then I would have to prove them otherwise! I mean, I have some non-Shadow blood." Maria said, still looking determined about everything.

"Maria, this act is very selfish and you know it. Not only do you bring yourself in danger, but what about Samuel? He just followed you to make sure you would be okay and to bring you back home." Gabriel narrowed his eyes at Maria. "How do you think this is affecting him right now?"

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