Chapter 8

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Russia POV

I kept rubbing his back calmly. Soon he had fallen asleep. He looked so cute when he was asleep. I layed him down and put my arm around him.

I wondered what had made America want to do that to himself. If it was a person I'd gladly take away their happiness I thought. America was my happy sunflower, and I will do anything to keep him happy. Soon I fell asleep hugging my little American.


I woke up again to sunlight outing into the room. I get up and tip toe over to the coffee pot we have. After getting it started I get dressed so the coffee had time to brew before America woke up. I remember the last time I had forgotten to make coffee. I'll save you from the details and say it wasn't pretty.

Soon I heard the house of the coffee pot signaling it was done. Then I heard shuffling guessing America woke up to the beeping. I heard a sigh and then more shuffling as if he were putting clothes on. I walk out once I hear the shuffling stop.

I turn the corner to see America on the bed exhausted. He looked dressed though his hair was messy and uneven. I walk up to him and gently shake him awake. He jolted up "I'm awake! " he yelled. I laughed a little and he looked at me.

"Yea yea let's head to the meeting room, " he said. It didn't seem like he was bothered by what happened yesterday. I nod and we leave the room. By the time we got to the room everyone was there. Me and America took a seat while Germany cleared his throat.

Everyone looked at him and he began to speak. "We are nearing the end of this book, and I would like to say this has been a very... Intriguing experience, " he said thinking about his words before he said the last part. "I would like to read, da? " I rose my hand and got up not waiting for an answer.

I took the book from Germany and looked for where we left off.

Canada and America used to switch places as kids to trick France and England into taking the other. They almost got away with it at some point but Canada saw a moose and America saw a bald eagle.

(Everyone liked that- ok I'll stop)

People around the room smiled at the cute statement. Well, except for France and England who were full on laughing. "I...remember that... " France had gotten the words out between laughs. For once England didn't look like a grumpy eyebrow tea lover.

Once they calmed down I noticed Canada and America were looking at each other as if sharing a single thought. I looked back down to continue.

Prussia used to, and still does, hang out at Canada's. They would always watch hockey and yell at the tv about it. Prussia even posted on his blog that Canada had brought over maple syrup and that 'it brought happiness to who ever had some'.

At this Prussia stood on a chair and yelled "OH YEAH I REMEMBER THAT!" Canada giggled and tried to get Prussia off the chair. They fit each other well. Prussia is out going extrovert and Canada is the down to earth one who will make sure Prussia doesn't end up hurting himself.

I look down at the book and realize there isn't anything else to read. "Um there isn't anything left, " I said. Germany came up to me and confirmed me. Although I don't understand why he thought he needed to. We all just looked at each other confused as to why we were still sitting in this place.

Finland got up followed by Sweden and went to the exit. Sometime later they came back. "The doors won't open! " Finland said. By now we were slightly afraid. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN!? I CAN'T BE STUCK HERE FOREVER! " America got up and yelled. Prussia and Denmark joined only to be pulled back by there boyfriends.

I went over and calmed America down while Germany discussed something with England, France, China, and Japan. Everyone else was bickering over stupid nonsense. After all this time stuck together they still fight like children. Well. Except for those who have others to calm the rambunctious ones down.

(Honestly I think this book is cringey but I'll still write it TwT)

Suddenly a flash of light appeared and left. After that a woman was standing there. I didn't know who she was but she looked like an Ancient. America and Canada notice her and run over hugging and kissing her.

{} is native american language

America POV

I looked at my mother Native America. I had missed her so much, and I know Mattie did, too.

{ hello my sons, it is good to see you} she said in her native language. {I've missed you so much.} I cried into her shoulder. She smiled and kissed me on the forehead. Mattie was trying to hold back his tears but failed. He started bawling and hugged her. She smiled and kissed him, too.

{I do not have much time here my sons, so I must say something} she said. We both looked at her waiting. {Do not let others tell you what you must and must not do. It is your decision only. I love you so much but I must go now} she said and hugged us at the end.

{No please. Stay.} I tried to make her stay. She only shook her head sadly. {Why not mother} Mattie finally said something. {Because I am dead, I was only granted permission to come for a small while, and now I must go.} and with that she disappeared. Leaving Canada and I crying. Suddenly another light appeared and someone else stood before us.

Prussia POV

After the woman America and Canada were crying over left, a man I remember well appeared. Germania. He and I didn't get along to well and he didn't seem interested in seeing me. Germany, though, walked up to him. Holding his composure.

I just sat there and ignored him. To be honest to don't care what he has to say. I tune him out and he never even walked up to me. Whatever he is really unawesome and I have my awesome Birdie anyways. After thinking about Canada, I couldn't help but look at him.

He was so perfect and he was even more awesome than me. I realized I was staring and looked away. Specifically at the ground so I didn't have to look at Germania. Soon Germania nodded to Germany and he disappeared. Good.

I went over to Canada and sat next to him. He looked at me confused so I gave him a smile to show I was fine. Eventually after laying my head on his shoulder I fell asleep. He has a comfy shoulder.

*owo take this and be happi*

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