Chapter 9

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*owu this book is so close to the end I can taste it and honestly I think this whole book is cringey so I'll try even harder in my 3rd book but uh I hope you enjoy this chapter my childs*

Spain POV

After all of the ancients had left we all looked at each other expectantly. Waiting for something- anything to happen. Finally, after what felt like hours, someone got up and spoke. It was Russia.

"Maybe we should check the front door, friends" he said. At his suggestion we all bolted for the door out of the meeting room. Suddenly we stopped. I spoke up after the sudden stopping of thundering feet down the hall.

"Who wants to open it?" I asked. Someone rose their hand. It was Canada. He was always invisible, but now he is confident and visible. Prussia stood next to him, a smart fellow, really, he just acts dumb.

Behind him was Germany, Japan, and Italy. Germany a strict man, who somehow loves the outgoing Italy. Everyone stood there while Canada made his way up. "I think we should all open it together. We went through this together we should have the victory shared, " he stated.

Everyone nodded in agreement. We all started pushing. I guess we over estimated how easily the door would open because we fell. Out of the door. Onto the ground. In public.

Everyone outside the door stared at us in surprise. "Eh... Hiii, " I said. I got up quickly and brushed off. Finally. We could go home. I grabbed Romano's hand and waved goodbye to the rest of the countries "guess I'll be off now bye amigos, " I said. They all waved goodbye in return.

America POV

I went to Russia, "want to come to my house? " I asked. "Da! " he answered. I loved his cute face. (A/N makes me wanna uwu) "BYE GUYS CYA AT THE NEXT WORLD MEETING! " I yelled. Everyone just said bye normally.

Norway POV

I grabbed Denmark and the rest of the Nordics followed. "I guess we should leave now, but before I go I want to say, I know we haven't been here as long as everyone else, but it has be great to be here, " and with that we left to the airport.

Germany POV

Everyone was leaving in groups so O decided I should leave with Italy and Japan. I looked at them to signal that we should go. They got the idea. "It was great even though we were all stuck having to read our personal stuff to each other, " Italy said. Everyone kind of chuckled awkwardly at that. Then we left.

China POV

I felt awkward as the only one not leaving in a group, but whatever. "Bye, aru, " I simply stated. I didn't know what else to say to be honest. As I walked away I got to thinking. I should challenge Japan to that game of checkers.

Canada POV

I turned to England and France to say goodbye. "Bye Papa, bye father, " I told my parents. They looked at me "if there is anything you need help with you can come to us, and we eh... Slightly... Approve of your relationship, " they said. I smiled "thanks, but approval or not I'd still stay with him, " I joked.

They cracked a smile. "Goodbye son, " they both came to hug me. I hugged back. "Come on Prussia let's go to my house, " I said dragging him. "Ack slow down she awesome Prussia can't keep up, " he said. I slowed down giggling.

*THE ENDDD I might make an epilogue to this and I'm sorry if this is a let down for an end but I've lost motivation for this book but I didn't wanna just stop because ppl seem to like this cringey fanfic but thank you my childs and I will be sure to right more books in the future*

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