Chapter Four : Who I Am

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"Yuri Murasaki! You are under arrest for abandoning your kingdom and holding Princess Misaki hostage!"

Misaki was worried. "Yuri, what are they talking about...?"

Yuri's face was in full on panic mode. "N-Nothing! Don't listen!"

The soldiers drew closer and pointed swords. "Return to the palace with the Princess, Yuri."

Yuri frantically looked around for a way to escape. But he sighed in defeat.

"Fine. I will return to the palace with Misaki. But! On one condition." He growled.

The soldiers put the weapons away now that they had convinced Yuri.

"What condition would that be, sir?" they asked.

Yuri bent over to let Misaki stand and then he held her close. "I want you to keep her safe. If you don't honor that word, I will not hesitate to have you beheaded."

Then nodded their heads with fear. "Y-Yes, my Lord Yuri."


Yuri had a total serious face on. He looked like a true king.

Was he really royalty after all? And me! Am I a royal too? I don't remember anything...

I need to ask...!

"Excuse me!" Misaki called.

The soldiers bowed. "Yes, our queen? How may we serve you?"

Queen..? This kind of treatment seems familiar... Like I've had someone say that too me...

" I a royal..?" She meekly asked.

She started to walk toward one of the soldiers but Yuri grabbed her hand, not letting her go further.

She turned around. "Yuri?"

He put his head down. "Misaki... I'll explain at the palace-"

She stared him dead in the eye. "I remember nothing! Please tell me now!"

The soldiers started moving and they bowed. Yuri and Misaki turned around to see a tall, young man with orange short hair and blue eyes.

Something hit Misaki at that moment. She...

R e m e m b e r e d ! !

"I-! You look familiar..! " She said pointing.

The man walked over quickly and bowed before them.

"Princess Misaki! Prince Yuri! I'm so glad your back safely." He prayed.

Yuri held on tighter to Misaki's hand, showing no intention of letting go. She looked back and stared into his eyes. She knew this look by now.

Yuri has that look...he must have ran away for a reason then...

Yuri held onto Misaki and pulled her close. "Hello, Sano. We don't require your assistance so you may leave."

Sano looked up mischievously.

Yuri hugged Misaki closer. "NOW." he declared.

The butler backed away and scoffed. "Fine."

Then, they both heard a whisper.

"But... I'll be back and you'll remember who I am. BOTH of you..."

Yuri gave the men harsh looks. "May I be alone with my queen? I shall be right behind you. I guarantee my life on it."

The group of soldiers sighed. "Alright, but no funny business like last time." And they started walking toward the palace.

Yuri held both of Misaki's hands. "Misaki...I've been keeping something from you."

She gave him a dirty look. "Yeah, I know. Can you finally tell me!?"

He smiled some. "Absolutely, you need to know."

He sighed heavily. "Misaki... You had your memories and feelings taken away when we we're both fighting in the Kiel World War II. I'm Prince Yuri Murasaki of the Murasaki family in Kiel. I'm not a merchant... You also aren't blood line royalty..."

Misaki was having so many thoughts in her head.

I'm a not and am a Princess...? Yuri's a prince...? We fought a war!? It is all so crazy...

"Is that all, Yuri?" she pondered.

He shook his head. "No. You aren't a blue blood but you're a princess because you're my fiance."

Misaki pulled away. "I'm betrothed to you!? Why didn't you tell me that! And most importantly, why don't I remember you then?"

He put his hand to his face and faced down. "Because..."

He took her over behind a nearby house.

"This is why.
You don't remember me

And Yuri pulled off a wig and removed colored contacts.

"I've been in disguise."


Hope you liked this chapter!

Nice twist, huh? I have the whole story line so if you want spoilers, pm me!

Next chapter, Yuri will reveal everything to Misaki!

Also, will they escape this demonically hidden Kingdom that is really a communist colony???

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