Episode 3: Back to School

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First day of school

The sun was as bright and red up in the sky, school students walked on the hot pavement on the late summer day, the weight of backpacks held them down and the tired eyes of waking up early.
The school was bright silver as the reflection of the sun glared off the bright walls and windows, it was mildly hot for the students of Megaopolis High, so hot that they begged for fall to start soon.
One of those students was Mabel Pines, she smiled with glee as she walked towards her school, she had a new fashion trend an off shoulder sweater she made differently from her other sweaters.
The hole went down below her shoulders, the color was pink with a yellow sun on it, she stopped wearing hair bands and wore her hair down a bit more naturally, and her skirt was a light orange.
*Woosh* a gust of wind caught her hair blinding her from the cause, the flapping of wings was sounded, Mabel opened her eyes and saw that Colossus Equinox was just coming in for a landing.
Her shoes made a *Clack* when she landed, "Nice of you to drop by," Mabel said jokingly, Colossus chuckled as stretched out her arms over her head, her fashion trend was different this year too.
Colossus wore a white Undershirt so that her boobs can breathe, she was wearing short black jean shorts, the undershirt was cut for the wings to stick out, and as for her shoes she was wearing the same white shoes.
She had a small pony tail from a patch of hair with a small patch of black, Mabel notice that the black in her hair gets bigger and bigger, almost covering half of her Orange long hair, (it's a demon thing).
"Hey, have you seen Sponge, yet?, I haven't seen him since he left for his trip back to the Ocean," Cole asked, "Eh, I'm not sure; he's been gone for almost all of Summer," Mabel answered.
Then a certain yellow haired friend of theirs snuck up behind them and and put his arms around their shoulders, "Did someone say my name?" He asked jokingly with a huge smile on his face.
"Hey, There's the new Senior of the group," Colossus "Boy, it'll be great to relive senior year." He said Cole and Mabel turned to look at him and saw that he was wearing a yellow beach shirt with red flowers.
"I'm guessing that was your Dad's shirt?" Mabel asked remembering the time she met Stephen in the afterlife, "Sure is, thought I'd wear it to honor him," he said with a sad smile as he held it.
"So how did your parents take the news about your real father?" Colossus asked, "Eh, not Well at first, but Mom admitted it was true and things got out of hand, but everything was good afterwards."
"But I reassured them that they were my family and nothing could change that," He said, "Plus, sponges are very forgiving of the past so all was good," Sponge finished, all 3 of them smiled as they walked to the school.
They walked up and saw Star and Steven making out near the steps of the school, Steven was wearing a pink bomber jacket, and underneath was a blue shirt with a yellow Star on it.
He still wore pinch nose glasses, he was still slim than his younger self.
Star still wore her red Jacket, she started wearing her hair up in a ponytail with a red horned hair band, she wore white boots with purple hearts at the toes of the boots, and her skirt was blue with white frills.
"Alright you too, break the love festival up." Colossus said as she pulled them apart, "Okay, Okay, I know when we need to be stopped," Steven said, Star smiled showing off her new two front fangs.
"Say, where's Dipper?" Star asked, "Getting a ride with Danny, he spent the night at his house last night," Mabel answered, "I'm sure he won't be too long, they're probably bonding over ghost hunting,"
Soon the Fenton van drove up to the front  school, out of the passenger side the door opened and two black muddy laced up boots poked out and placed themselves into the pavement.
Those boots belonged to Dipper, he stepped out of the car, he wore green pants with multiple buttoned pockets on them, he wore his blue jacket around his waist, and he  wore an orange plaid shirt.
He wore his hat on backwards, and the hair on his chin looked bigger, Dipper inhaled the fresh air and smiled as he exhaled; "Thanks for the ride, Danny!" He said as he pulled out his backpack.
"No problem," Danny said with a smile, he wore a black mans undershirt, parts of his red hoodie were torn up and wrapped around his arms like bandages, his ponytail was longer and hair messier.
His hair was covered in Ecto plasma, eyes still blue on one side and green on the other, more hair on his chin, and wore torn up jeans, "See you guys after school!" Danny waved at his HighSchool friends.
"Hey Danny!" Sponge yelled in glee while waving to him, "Now, time to get work!; Ghost aren't going to hunt themselves!" He said as he waved goodbye and drove off.
"Really, Ghost hunting, didn't he have that job before?" Mabel asked curiously, "Yeah, But now he's getting paid for it this time," Dipper went up and kissed his Girlfriend, Colossus as they held hands.
"*sigh* finally, back to school!" Mabel said, "I wonder where James and Timothy are?" Steven asked, "Yeah, Turner maybe a lousy student but he's not tardy, and Isaac has a perfect attendance," Colossus said.
Soon They heard the sound of some sort of jet or a the sound of a small rocket, "How, I recognize that sound?" Star said "It's Goddard!" She yelled.
It was Jimmy riding Goddard like a small jet rocket, he landed right in front of the gang as the sound of rocket engine faded, Star remembers this because of the time Rosanna turned her into a child.
Jimmy hopped off, "Hey guys," he said putting his hands on his hip; for his fashion trend he had green goggles on his head, a short sleeved waist length lab coat, and some of his hair was over his left eye.
"Thanks, Goddard!, I'll whistle for you when I get out," Jimmy patted his robot Dogs head, Goddard have off a bark then flew back home, "Sorry it took me till the last minute, had to finish upgrading my dog,"
"It's Okay, School doesn't start for another ten minutes anyway," Steven said, "Well ten minutes or not, I have to go inside and get my schedule and find my locker," James said as he rubbed his eyes.
They looked around and saw countless students walking in the school as some of them waited outside, "I guess the only one who isn't here yet is-" Colossus was interrupted when an arm came around her shoulders.
As a half demon she doesn't get surprised or scared, she just slowly turned her head like a creep character from a scary movie and saw that it was Timmy Turner, he looked tired and exhausted.
He put the arm on her so that he could lean on her, he was panting and sweating as if just ran a marathon, "Dude, you look like you ran for 6 hours," Colossus said, "*gasp* trust me, *wheeze*..." he trailed off.
"Wasn't *rasp* my fault!" Timmy let out, then he started breathing heavily, his outfit didn't change much, his jacket sleeves were torn off and he started wearing pink shoes with green laces and purple stars.
He finally caught his breathe, "Wasn't my fault, my parents forgot to wake me up and my 'fairy holograms'-" He was interrupted when the school bell began to ring, "Time for a new year of school," Mabel said.
Then all the students started walking into the school, "We'll talk later," He said, everyone but Colossus and Timmy started to walk in; Timmy just fell to his knees and felt like he was about to throw up.
Colossus knelt down and helped him out, "There you go, big guy," Colossus said; Timmy just nodded and shook his head, "I'm fine, just really exhausted." He said they stayed there for a minute or two.
"Let me know when you're ready to walk in yet," Colossus said, he really was out of breathe; soon it was just them outside, but school didn't start just yet.
They were so distracted that they didn't notice an adult man walking up the steps to the school, of course he payed no mind to them either nor did he even notice them they were behind a stair rail made of bricks.
"Okay, I should be good now!" Timmy said as Colossus helped him up, "Come on, time to face another year of School." She said as she patted him on the back, and made her way to the door.
She stopped in her tracks at the bottom of the stairs when she looked up and saw a man at the top of the stairs, he wore a long black trench coat, from the back he looked like he had black greasy hair.
Colossus squinted her eyes a little to see who he was the man's head turned a bit for her to catch a glimpse of glasses; she gasped when she realized who that man is, it's been a few months.
She shoved Timmy behind the stairway wall, pushing herself and him to hiding so the man couldn't see them, "What is it?" Timmy asked confused on why Colossus shoved him into hiding.
"It's him," she hissed in a whispering and raspy voice, "Who?" He asked, She May have seen him once, but she would never forget a man who tried to hurt K.O., "That asshole from 4th of July!" She answered.
"That bum who tried to hurt K.O.?" He stated, "Yes!, what is that poor excuse of a person doing here?, I oughta kill him where he stands right now!" Colossus hissed as her sharp finger nails clawed the cement wall.
"Well who ever he is, I'm sure he has no reason to come here," Timmy said as he started to poke his head over the stairway wall, "I don't know what kinda bum like him would want to come to a-"
He stopped in mid sentence and quickly ducked behind the wall, when he sat he had a scared look on his face as if he recently watched a horror film, "There's no way, There's no fucking way!" He stuttered.
"What?" Colossus asked, Timmy just kept stuttering to himself "I don't know how or why he is here, why is he here!?" He said in fear, "Who?" She asked, "It can't be him!, can it!" He squealed.
"Turner!, what are you talking about?" Colossus asked she peaked over the wall and saw the man was gone, he must've walked inside, "I know who he is, though I prayed I'd never see him again," he said.
"Colossus, That Man was my elementary Teacher," Timmy answered, Colossus let out a gasp and shock rolled on her face only less dramatic due to being a Demon, "You Don't mean?" She said.
"Yes," He said, "That's-" she said "Yes, that Man is none other than Mr. Crocker!" Then Colossus put him in a protective embrace, "Don't worry!, I'll protect you, Jimmy will protect you, Danny will protect you from that asshole!"

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