Peggy x Madison

73 9 3

Madeggy..? Idk man their names are so weird together XD

Let's check the ages but I think they'll pass.

7 years. Not toooo bad.

Peggy got married to a dude younger than her, her cousin.

Her. Cousin.

Stephen Van Rensselaer.

While some historians put it like they were in love, I really think it was because the Schuyler and Rensselaer families were of very high social standing and also already close and related.

I don't think they loved each other, so in a world where Peggy wasn't married to him..

Let's see. Madison was in love with his wife, or at least from what I've read from them.

Peggy was a very vain girl and I don't think Madison was really into that.

He's a smol sick boy, hence the nickname "sicky" from locker130

I think if Peggy got with him, it would be for his fame and money. She was sassy and vain like that.

I feel like Madison was a lot more humble and wouldn't've liked Peggy too much.

Do I ship them?

Well historically, no.

In the musical? They are both underrated in the musical and don't have many parts. I feel like that creates a small bond in my mind and I ship them a little bit for that.

In the fandom? Madison is more quiet while Peggy is louder and all bubbly.

I do like the whole opposites attract bond this creates.

So, do I ship them?

Yes. I never thought in a million years I would say this but yes.


I'm giving this the same rating as Lams because of the fuzzy feeling it gives me XD

Alright, keep requesting guys! I love this!

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