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I don't know how to combine these people's names but King George III and Catherine Van Rensselaer Schuyler (Alex's mom-in-law)

Oh boiiii

Okay so I'm in an RP and in it Catherine and George are friends from high school who were secretly in love.

Catherine's mom forced her to marry Philip, who wasn't a good husband at all.

After.. 20 years or so? Of disagreements and struggling Catherine was finally fed up and divorced him.

Then she ran into her old high school crush, George and fell in love all over again.

Turns out, George loved her too and eventually, after much pressure to get together and tell each other how they feel from their friends, they were in a confession circle (no one leaves til they spill some tea) and they confessed their love and started dating.

Now they are one of those couples who try to deny that they're one of the lovey-dovey couples.

Catherine is only a softy for George and George is her right hand man.

Now think about all of that.


Yeah so it's a weird AU but it's the reason I absolutely fell in love with this ship.

Historically? Never would happen.

Catherine was married to a general of the American armies.

She had very patriot views.

She would never marry the King of England if she had a say in it unless it was for the money.

So yeah.

10/10 my otp my love my life

This chapter is mainly for the people in queennpippaa's Hamilton RP XD

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