a week from then

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its been a week, a whole new world almost. i am going to a beautiful and unreal place called Hawaii in 19 days from now, i am so excited. 

its been a week, and in this time i have thought hard and well about people and my relationships to allow my mental health to be most important. i have had my two close friends staying over at my house recently from school, i am so overly grateful for them. ive been feeling happeir, but i still have my off days.

its been a week since i wrote my last page, and my life has almost changed in a whole different way. you arent in my life as much, i dont know how i feel about it. mixed emotions. we still converse on the odd occasions, but it doesnt effect me like it use to.

working out, eating healthier, keeping up with school work and getting better grades, all while still socialising at the same or even more amount of time as i use to when it was harder. 

time heals; as cliché as that sounds to most people, when you really think about it it does. take time in harder situations for self love and care. make it a priority. as simple as having a nice hot shower and washing, shaving and exfoliating your body, its a step. drink lots of water, make a healthy snack or go for a walk in your neighbourhood or at a park, listen to the sounds that your surroundings make. the birds, chattering, laughing, the trees rustling in the wind. 

its okay to not be okay. even if you dont say it out loud, write about it for people to see or not to see. take time to care about yourself. consider the long term effects that an unhealthy mindset can have on your day-to-day life, and how it can effect yourself and the people around you.

love yourself. 

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