Chapter Two

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Over the years I grown close to Gemma, I guess it was a lack of a mother growing up. She was there but only when it was convenient for her, I was money in her eyes and kept me around for that reason. My dad was nonexistent, probably a quick fuck from one of her many men and thus I was born. She made sure I had a roof over my head, food in my stomach and clothes but she was far from mother of the year. At an early age I knew I had to look out for me and me only, I learned to cook while she was out 'Scoring', got myself in the mornings and did my own laundry.

She died when I was eighteen and out of high school, to be honest I wasn't a bit torn up when she did die. People were saying 'She's still your mother', or something along those lines. She gave birth to me but she was far from a mom. She had men in and out of the house but I gave her props, she made sure non of those men touched me. I was off limits to them and she would kill them if they tried, that was the only time she was a 'Mother'.

When she died that is when I met Bryce, he was a sweet guy. I happen to find my way into Vegas and met him at Hooters when I was trying to get a job. I know great place to work but I had the body for it and I needed the work. He happened to be there as a patron, he would come in night after night and about two months later he asked me out and I said yes. Three years later and I couldn't take it anymore, he become a drunk and didn't want to work.

So the boys honestly saved me, because I wanted to give up. I wanted a family so bad and when I found them , I didn't want to give them up. They took me on not knowing me from Adam, trusted me with their secrets. Confided in me, I honestly felt at home with them.

" Ready for the 'Taste of Charming'?"
" Ready as I'll ever be."

And I was, when Gemma told me she did this every year and wanted me to be a part of it, I felt honored she even showed me how to make her chili, which Jax told me she doesn't let any on make it but her.

" Don't scree up the chili or her size nine boot will go up your ass darlin'."
" Oh trust me I'm not."

She was truly impressed with me and I sighed a breathe of relief. I honestly was scared and wasn't going to be killed, not today any way. The festivities went off without a hitch, we raised tons of money for the school. I was glad to be part of something good, Clay told me she did this every year and she will continue to until she couldn't. I can see why she did, it felt good to do something and give back to the community, it put the Sons into the good graces of the town.

Though the good that they did, they also did bad. I happened to go to the Clubhouse one day after shopping to it being raided and I was scared, my home was being raided and I didn't know why. Until I was face first into the pavement and the guys yelling at the agent to let me up, that I had nothing to do with it but they didn't care. In their eyes I was just as guilty as they were, I was guilty by association. I realized I was having a panic attack and I was hyperventilating, they didn't care until I was picked up and I slugged the guy who picked me up. I started to hit him because it was my flight or fight and I wanted to fight. It landed me in jail, well just for the night. Unser got them to drop the charges.

" Sweetheart I got them to drop the charges, told them you don't like me man handled and had frequent panic attacks. Just be careful."

I just kissed him and left. Outside the guys were waiting for me. They all clapped when I came out, I walked into Gemma's arms and cried. I didn't care who saw me cry and not a single man judged me for crying, they knew I was strong and I needed to let it all out. Turns out the Agents got some bad info and basically screwed their case and the 'Rat' was 'Dealt' with. I just wanted to go home and shower, also to cry some more and that's what I did.

" They trashed your room but I cleaned it for you."
" Thanks Ma, I appreciate it."
" It's ok baby girl, we got you and we are sorry for what happened to you, if you want to leave we understand."

I was floored, she was giving me and out, but I wasn't taking it. Nope this was my family and I was sticking by them. Yeah I was scared but not enough to leave, I knew way too much and someone could use that against me if they figured out my connection.

" Ma, don't worry. Yes I was scared but I am ok. I want a shower and go to bed."
" Ok, love you sweetie."
" Love you too Ma."

I hopped into the shower and was getting ready for bed when I heard a knock on the door. It was Jax to check on me, he became a big brother to me over the years here and I trusted him.

" I know Ma asked you but are you ok?"
" Yeah, Hey can you lay with me?"
" Anything for you Lil Bit."

I rolled at the nick name the Happy had gave me and it stuck. He seemed scary to everyone else but to me he was a Teddy Bear, I called him that all the time and he started to call me Lil Bit. It was all good, he treated me like a daughter and he became like a dad to me.

I laid down and Jax followed suite. This wasn't the first time we did this, but I stated to cry. I broke down again and he rubbed his hand up and down my back until I fell asleep. It was honestly the best sleep I had in a long and I knew I could count on Jax for anything, he might be married to Wendy but I was his Lil Bit and he would always take care of me, she would get jealous and accuse him of sleeping with me, yes we did but not sexually because I didn't see him that way. It was whatever with her, junkie whore. Only was with him for the title of Mrs. Teller, he was only with her to get over Tara his first love.

Things settled down at the Clubhouse for a while, but nothing stays that way around here. We had another raid, but they actually got arrested for assembling weapons. It was a dark day at the club and I had to stepped up and help Gemma through it. She was glad I was there for her and I wasn't leaving her or my boys. I happened to love my family and you don't abandon family in their time of need.

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