Sexy Pineapple X READER

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I looked across the room brushing my hair out of my eyes, as I watch someone leaving I feel my mind wander to their small beautiful frame, I let out a loud sigh chugging down my drink in a hard gulp, I proceed to get of the built in stool at the bar and follow the smaller figure outside not particularly minding if my absence goes noticed of not.

I trace my hands over my torso's figure I notice that I'm thinner than usual. a sigh escapes my mouth "I should really start eating better" a soft smile creeps onto my face as my eyes lock onto a familiar figure from earlier. I let out a quiet huff before dashing over to the familiar figure I've been watching from afar for what seems like an eternity, they turn around giving me a curios look.

I smile softly at them before clumsily trying to find my words. they let out a cute giggle and the gesture for me to follow them, they lead me to s small empty café the lights are all off and its far from being open, they pull a key out from there pocket and swing it around their finger a few times giving me a wink and then unlocking the door with no hesitation they lead me inside closing the door behind them giving me a wide smirk and licking their lips, they jump onto me my eyes widen in surprise they slowly shut as the kiss intensifies.

I feel a small tug at my shirt asking for access to remove it, I give a small but still sure nod looking into their face, I'm as red as a tomato and I don't need a mirror to tell that, my face is heating up so much I feel like I could pass out. they lift my shirt over my head with almost no effort, they go back in for a kiss this time not only filled with lust but also happiness.

they brake the kiss "I-I think I love you" they say between pants "and I love you to pineapple" we smile and rap in each others embrace , not wanting this moment to ever end.


ok so this just turned into a bunch of randomnessWhere stories live. Discover now