The letters

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Author's note: Before you start can you please check out my new original story called Moonlight? It's a fantasy story with supernatural creatures and sorcery. Please check it out and let me know what you think.

("It will mean so much to me. It's my original story. Please read it. ")

Other than that, please enjoy your reading, and thanks for giving a chance to my stories.

Kacy's death has saddened everyone from the Mikaelson family. Even Kol, Rebekah, Finn and Elijah who didn't know her for much. Even Mikael cried for her. Months have passed. Sarah and Grace have come to live with Klaus. Even Grace couldn't cheer Klaus up. Nobody could cheer anybody up in that family. They all had their hearts broken from the sudden loss of their youngest family member who was taken from them too soon and unfairly. No one knew what to say. The mansion looked empty even though they lived there.
Klaus was sitting on the couch that was in his studio. He had locked the door because he didn't want to be disturbed. He was holding in his hand the book Kacy did for him, the day he broke her hand. He looked at the book every time he thought about Kacy. He cries every time he reads the letters that Kacy had written to him. He stopped at the first page and read it again and again and tears escaped his eyes while he was reading it. He hadn't read all the letters yet. He was afraid of what was written there, but maybe it was time to read them.

"Dear daddy,

It's me, Kacy. I am 7 years old. I had my birthday yesterday. You didn't come. It's okay. I love you. Mommy bought me painting supplies.  I love them. Mommy said I will paint like you when I grow up. I don't know. You are really good. You are amazing daddy. I love you, daddy.

The next letter:

Dear daddy,

It's me, Kacy, again. I am now 7 and a half.  Mommy went to see grandma today. I miss grandma. She doesn't visit often. Mommy says it's because she lives far away from us. I don't know. I was downstairs with you just a few minutes ago. You pushed me off the couch, but I know it was an accident and you laughed so it made you happy. I love you, daddy.

The next letter:

Dear daddy,

Me again. It's my 8th birthday today. I wish you can come. Mommy made the cake with chocolate. Looks delicious. Grandma is coming too. I am so happy. I can't wait to open the gifts. Hope mommy bought me something to paint. I love painting. I love you, daddy.

The next letter:

Dear daddy,

It's me again. It's my birthday after 2 days. Mom wants to do a party and invite the children that live here in the neighbourhood. I don't want to, but mommy says I need to be more social. Anyway, I wish you can come too. That would make my birthday cool. I love you, daddy.

The next letter:

Dear daddy,

It's me, Kacy. I bet you know that by now. I keep writing to you. It's not like you're gonna read them anyway. I am 9 and a half. I have noticed you don't like me much. I'm sorry. It must be my fault. Mommy is with grandma for the weekend. I talked back at you. Now I'm grounded. I can not eat anything till you say so. Hope it doesn't last longer than the last time. I can not stay two days without eating again. Again, I am sorry. Forgive me, daddy?

The next letter:

Dear dad,

I am 10 today. You didn't come again. Grace started college this year. I bet you miss her very much. Now you only have me and I know you don't want me. I'm sorry for that. I haven't told you I love you for a while. I'm sorry. It has become difficult for me to express my feelings to you. It has become difficult for me to feel. I think I'm depressed. Maybe it's because I am lonely all the time, now that Grace is moving out. Anyway please come to my birthday. It's all I want for my birthday. You don't have to buy me anything. I do love you, dad. Even when I don't say it.

The next letter:

Dear daddy,

It has passed 2 months since I last wrote to you. My depression has gone very bed. I have started hurting myself. I'm glad you haven't notice my scars. I wouldn't know what to say if you did. I'm sorry I am such a burden to you but know that I care about you a lot.

The next letter:

Dear daddy,

It has passed almost 10 months since the last letter. My birthday is in 10 days. Grandma died today. She won't be able to come to my birthday anymore. I am so sad. I loved her a lot. I guess we won't celebrate my birthday this year. I have noticed that my letters have become a lot darker lately. I'm sorry it's because of my depression. I am a real mess, right dad?

The next letter:

Dear dad,

5 days after my birthday. I am 11 now.  I love you. I hope you never find out about this, but I tried to kill myself today. You and mom went out tonight to have a good time together. I must have really tired you, daddy. You need some time away from me.
I tried to drink some pills so I can die without pain. I am afraid of pain. Grace found me in my room while I was drinking them. She forced me to throw up and after that, she took me to the emergency room. I was afraid she would tell you and you would finally know the truth. I know you will hit me because I did something wrong again.
I made her promise me not to tell anyone in one condition. To not do that again. I'm sorry daddy. I love you.

The next letter:

Dear daddy,

This is my last letter to you. I made a decision to give this book to you. I have made some drawings and there are some photos in there, of us, too. I am 11. I wanted to thank you for every time you were nice to me. It made me feel better. I have stopped hurting myself. I hope you are proud of me. I have been a pain to you all my life. I'm sorry, but know that I love you with all my life. I made you mad just minutes ago. I was moving a lot and distracted you from your painting.  I know you like your quietness when you paint so it was my fault that you hit me. I have noticed you don't like aunt Morgana very much. I don't know why. Mommy says it's because she hurt you once. I don't understand it. You haven't gotten out of the room much. I miss you. I wish you can go out more. You seem sad and angry all the time. Are you lonely dad? I'm sorry if you are lonely. I know that feeling and it's not good. I hope you feel better soon. I love you with all my heart. You are my hero daddy. I love you so much I can not describe it with words. I don't know why, because you hurt me all the time, but I can not help it. I will always be by your side. Always and Forever.
I love you, daddy.

Klaus started crying more. He couldn't believe what he had done to his little girl. She was mentally sick because of him. She loved him so much and he didn't know that. He felt so terrible and so much guilt. He opened the pages one by one until he reaches the last one. There was a CD there and under it was written:

"Mommy liked to take photos and videos so much so I decided to make this for you. Love you, dad."

Klaus wiped his eyes and took the CD and went downstairs.

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