The one who stayed behind

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Author's note: Before you start can you please check out my new original story called Moonlight? It's a fantasy story with supernatural creatures and sorcery. Please check it out and let me know what you think.

("It will mean so much to me. It's my original story. Please read it. ")

Other than that, please enjoy your reading, and thanks for giving a chance to my stories.

As they all made their way into the woods, trying to find the old temple, it seemed like it was getting darker and darker even though it was the middle of the day. They reached the point where the sun could no longer be seen.

Kaden: Dad I'm scared.

Kaden got closer to her dad and he put his arm around her shoulder and gave it a little squeeze.
Mikael was the one to lead the way. He was the best to track down things. Due to the fact that he tracked down Klaus and his siblings for a thousand years.
It didn't take long until he found the temple.

Kol: Don't you think we found it too quickly? Like it was too easy?
Morgan: I agree.
Klaus: We don't have much choices. We must go in.

They all made their way into the old temple. The roof looked like it was about to fall.

Killian: How far are we going?
Klaus: We need to find the old witch.
Mikael: What else? Is there anything else? It can not be this easy. Something is wrong. There has to be more to the story.
Killian: I agree.
Klaus: Well Galety said that the old witch is wicked and will ask for something in return. He also said that she will try to trick us.
Morgan: What can we even offer her?
Klaus: I guess she will tell us when we find her.
Kol: What if she is dead? I mean she is an old lady after all. For all we know we might be looking for a corpse.
Klaus and Killian: Shut up Kol!
Kol: You're finally using your twin powers.

Kaden chuckled while Klaus and Killian where not too happy with Kol.

Kaden: This place looks like it's going to collapse anytime now.
Klaus: It's an old temple. It has been around for so many years. I do not think it's going to fall tonight.

They walked for a bit more and stoped when they saw an old woman sitting down on a rock with her eyes closed and with a wooden stick on her hands which was big enough to hold her.

Kaden: Is that her?

Kaden whispered.

Klaus: I believe so.

Morgan walked a bit further near the old lady.

Morgan: Hello.

The old witch turned her head and looked at them. Her eyes were almost closed. Her was was covered in wrinkles and her hair where as white as snow.

Morgan: Are you the old witch of this temple?
The old witch: I believe I am.
Kol: Are you sure?

Everyone was looking at Kol now.

Kol: What she is old? She might have forgotten who she is for all we know.
The old witch: Help me up dear.

Morgan grabbed her arm and helped her up.

The old witch: I believe I am who I think I am. I have not forgotten. For all I know you are way older than me dear.

Kol: Point taken.
Killian: Look we are here seeking your help.
The old witch: I know why you are here. You seek the revival of the young witch who shares your blood. Taken unfairly from this world.
Killian: She was my daughter. I had just found her, I was not ready to lose her so soon. Whatever you want I am ready to give.
The old witch: I know dear, but what you're asking is a huge favour. I have to use a lot of my magic.
Klaus: We know. That's why we are ready to give you anything you want.
The old witch: There is nothing you can give me dear.
Kaden: Please there must be something you must want from us. Please she was my little sister.
The old witch: Well there might be something.
Morgan: Anything. Please help us.
The old witch: I have been alive for more than two hundred years. I have made it this far due to my powers. If you want the life of the little girl back, one of you shall stay behind. A life for a life. That's the balance.
Kol: What do you mean? Stay here?
Morgan: She means one of you who has the power of immortality. She needs to sleal your powers in order to stay alive forever.
Kol: What happens to us?
The old witch: A life for a life. That's the balance.
Kol: We're going to die, aren't we?
Morgan: Yes.
Kol: What if we get someone else? Like get someone to become a vampire and bring him here.
The old witch: You made a choice when you walked inside the temple. You can not get out no matter how much you try. One of you must stay alive or all are going to die.
Killian: But that's not fair.
The old witch: I do not make the rules.
Klaus: Is there anything else you might want?
The old witch: There is nothing else I need from you. I seek to be alive while you seek the little girl to live. It's fair if I must say.
Kol: So who is going to stay?
Killian: I will. Kacy was my daughter.
Klaus: No. She was my daughter too. I am not going to allow this. Kacy needs you.
Morgan: She needs both of you.
Mikael: It's easy. I will stay.
Kaden: Grandpa? You can't. No one should.
Mikael: You two must stay to be her dads. (To Killian and Klaus) You must stay to be her mom. (To Morgan) You must stay to be her sister(To Kaden) and you her uncle. (To Kol)
Kaden: And you her grandpa.
Mikael: I have lived long enough. It's time for Kacy to live her life. I'm going to give her a chance.
Mikael: I'm going to stay. (To the old witch)
Killian: Father. Thank you.

Killian gave him a big hug.

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