The promise I made

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Author's note: Before you start can you please check out my new original story called Moonlight? It's a fantasy story with supernatural creatures and sorcery. Please check it out and let me know what you think.

("It will mean so much to me. It's my original story. Please read it. ")

Other than that, please enjoy your reading, and thanks for giving a chance to my stories.

No one's pov:

As soon as he woke up tomorrow, he went to find Killian. He only told Elijah where he was going and that he didn't know when he was coming back.
He went to Killian's house and knocked. The door was open by Killian himself. He looked the same as the last time they saw him. Exhausted and sad.

Klaus: Hello brother.
Killian: Nik what are you doing here?
Klaus: I'm gonna go straight to the point. I found a way to bring Kacy back.

Killian's eyes widen and he mouth opened in shock.

Killian: What? What do you mean?

He began to stutter.

Klaus: Galety told me.
Killian: Galety is dead Nik.
Klaus: I thought so too, but he contacted me through a dream. He told me everything. He told me how to save Kacy.
Killian: Come in.

Killian let Klaus pass by him, into the house. He made his way to the living room and sat down on the couch.

Killian: Tell me everything.

Klaus began to tell him everything he remembered from his dream. He even showed Killian the necklace. Killian was furious with Galety but thrilled that his little daughter wasn't quite dead.

Killian: We need to go to that temple Nik.
Klaus: I know. Me and you.
Killian: No we need Morgana and Mikael too. And Kaden as well.
Klaus: I'm not putting my daughter's life in danger Killian.
Killian: I know, but she is a really strong witch. The strongest in fact. We can't do this without them Nik.
Klaus: We can at least leave Kaden behind. Please brother, I can not lose another daughter. I don't really think I can handle that type of pain again.

Killian stood silence to those words. He had never seen his brother so broken. He knew what he meant. He understood the pain of losing a daughter.
He nodded to show him that it's okay.

Killian: But we have to take Morgan and Mikael. Morgan is smart and wicked. I believe she can outsmart the old lady of the temple and Mikael can help us find the temple, but that's all. We're not taking anyone else.

Klaus agreed to Killian's conditions. After that, they went immediately back home to tell Morgan and Mikael. Killian and Klaus took them out of the house so they could explain to them the plan without anyone knowing. Little did they know they were been watched.

Morgan: I'm in. Definitely in.
Mikael: So am I. Let's go get our angel back.

There was a time that Klaus would run away from Mikael. A time when he hated him, but today he was glad that he was here. It's Kacy's heart that brought them all together.

They begin their journey to find the temple. Morgana knew about the temple. She knew the location, but she didn't know how to get there. Luckily for them, Mikael was good at tracking down. With all of the experience, he had with Klaus.
The journey was so long that it lasted for 2 days. During those two days they had barely talked and only stopped for food or to go to the bathroom. They took turns on the wheel.
Behind them, there was a car. Maybe they were too tired to know that they were being followed, but they didn't notice until the journey came to an end in a small town far away from home.

Klaus: Why is there a car behind us?
Killian: I don't know. Now I noticed.
Morgan: Maybe they are people from this town.
Mikael: No I don't think so. I think I saw that car before.
Killian: Now you tell us.

Klaus opened the door and made his way to the car. As soon as the driver of the other car opened the window, Klaus was in shock.

Klaus: Kol. What are you doing here?!

Klaus yelled.

Everyone was out of the car now and all relieved that it was only just Kol.

Klaus: Wait a second.

Klaus looked in the backseat to see Kaden.

Kaden: Hi dad.
Klaus: You brought Kaden with you. Are you stupid?!
Kol: A bit.

Kol smirked which made Kaden laugh.

Klaus: You get out.

Klaus told Kaden and she did as he told her and got out to face him.

Klaus: What the bloody hell are you doing here?!
Kaden: I came to save my sister. I saw you and uncle Killian leaving the house with grandpa and aunt Morgan so I thought you had found something about Kacy. I followed you and heard everything so I told uncle Kol and he was willing to help.

Kol was outside the car as well.

Kol: You can't keep us away. We want to save Kacy as well.
Kaden: And we are not going back. No matter what you say.

Kaden sounded like she was going to cry.

Klaus: Kaden this is dangerous. That's why I don't want you here.
Kaden: Kacy is my sister dad. I refuse to sit around when I know there is a way to bring her back.
Klaus: And we will bring her back. You don't need to worry love.
Kaden: You don't understand dad. I made a promise to her after you left us. I told her that no one would harm her again. Not you, not anyone and now she is dead or something like that and there is a way to bring her back so you won't be able to convince me to go back home. Not when my sister is in danger. You do whatever you want, but I'm staying.

Kaden had tears rolling down her cheeks. Klaus wiped them away and brought her into a big hug.

Klaus: You can stay.
Kaden: Thanks, dad.

After that, they went to find the temple deep in the woods.

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