Chapter 10- RiverCats

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Stream glanced at Rook. Her eyes widened until all she could see was Rook. "L-l-leave the Tribes????" Stream gasped. Rook pummeled the ground, "Well... we don't have a choice". Stream bristled, " We do have a choice, we can stop this war so other cats apart from us can safely experience love". Rook backed away, "  Stop the war?". Stream glanced down at her claws "We could try".

Rook backed away "This- this.. STREAM! We could have a great life! Escaping the Cats.. "
Stream snarled softly. "If you think about leaving our family and abandoning them, an act of cowardice you're not the cat I knew".
Rook took a step back, "you're not the cat I knew either!"
Stream dipped her head, "Maybe t-this whole thing won't work  out..."

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