¢нαρтєя 4

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You got out shouto's room to get ready you also left a note for him to read next to his phone
"Hey good morning! so I fell asleep here but no one found out so no worries! Anyways I left quickly cuz I had to get ready. Take care of yourself make sure you don't forgot your medicine!"

7:54 αм
αт υ.α

- you were sitting on your seat.
Were you waiting for shouto?
Yes. You were a little too worried about him.

I hope he is okay.


You looked up to see him.

You : oh hey,are you feeling better now?

He nodded.

Shouto : I am perfectly fine now. Somehow a miracle happened my fever and cold is gone.

How in the world did that happened-
I just gave him a soup
Did that soup saved his life-
Damn god am I actually an angel?

Then mr.aizawa entered the classroom and started teaching.

< time skip >

Lunch time

I took my lunch and waited for shouto to come back into the classroom since he asked the teacher something he probably went to the locker room or the washroom finally he came back.

Shouto : hey y/n?

You : yea?

Shouto : can we go to the rooftop and eat there?

You : oh sure.

you and shouto started walking to the rooftop.you opened the door and you two sat on the bench.

This was definitely weird shouto wasn't acting like himself.by that I mean he has a different aura.at first you thought maybe it's cuz of the fever he must be feeling uneasy but then it hit you hard what if he isn't even shouto?
You tried to test him.

You : hey shouto,do you remember that you asked me to be your girlfriend here?

Shouto : of course I remember! I was actually very nervous. I thought you would say no.but thank god you said yes.

You fake smiled at him.

I knew it.

- you : hey shouto I am going to the washroom I will be right back.

Shouto : okay.

You walked downstairs while walking you took out your phone and immediately opened the chat room.

Class 1-A

You : everyone I need your help quick Todoroki isn't who you think.i think it is a villain I am pretending like I don't know that it isn't Todoroki. Please come to the rooftop quick and bring some teachers if you can. I have to go or i would be suspicious. Please come quickly and bring some teachers with you.
Seen by Lida,ochaco,midoriya,bakugo and 3 more.

A week together | shouto todoroki  Where stories live. Discover now