¢нαρтєя 5

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- you were about to walk in the bathroom but then you heard someone...crying..?
You went into the bathroom and saw yaoyorozu.she was standing in front of the mirror crying.

You : yaoyorozu?

She looked at you suprised I mean who goes to the bathroom in the middle of the first class?

Yaoyorozu : l/n..

You : what's wrong?

Yaoyorozu : nothing..

You : you can tell me you know.

Yaoyorozu : my grandmother..she got hit by a car and she didn't survived it's been 3 days and I am still not over it.

You hugged her.

She deserves everything.

- she hugged you back. And started crying again. After some minutes she stopped crying she let you go. She smiled.

Yaoyorozu : thank you l/n

You : friends help each other,right?

She nodded.

You : we should go to our class our mr.aizawa will kill us.

Yaoyorozu : I forgot that I am in U.A,let's goooooo

You both exit the bathroom and ran to the class 1-A.you opened the door.Mr.Aizawa looked at you two.

Mr.Aizawa : finally you two are back

You just smiled and then
You and yaoyorozu walked to your seats you had an eye contact with shouto for just 2 seconds and you sat down.

< lunch time >

it was lunch time. finally-
You were waiting for shouto to come he couldn't find his lunch
You were soooo hungry that you could die

You : shouto come on let's go

Shouto : yeah just wait.

You : quiccccckkk

Shouto : wait.

You : babyyyy I am dyinggggg

Shouto : so am I my love, oh here it is.

You : took you long enough

Shouto : hey at least I am not that kind of person who goes to the bathroom in The middle of the first class and disappears for an hour.

You : awwh my baby you must be hungry come on let's go to the cafeteria.

you finally arrived at the table you and your friends are sitting.you smirked at ochaco you knew that she knew that you knew that she knew that why are you smirking.

Ochaco : shut up y/n

Everyone looked at her weirdly.

Lida : she didn't even say anything.

You looked at midoriya.

A week together | shouto todoroki  Where stories live. Discover now