Authors note.

547 11 0

Hey guys sorry about this i hate authors notes to but these are important stuff.

So i have alot of jelsa pics that i got off line so its not mine. I would like to put a jelsa pic on each chapter but im gonna run out eventaully so i want you guys to make some pictures.

If you have trouble getting the pics to me please comment it here and i will try to find a way to help.

I will update as often as possible. I promise ik people say thag all the time on here and then its like weeks before they update so dont worry not with me.

And finally i would like to say...... i am hiding easter eggs in the book. Geg it cause the bunny. Yeah okay. If you think you have found and easter egg just comment on that spot.

Alot of the easter eggs will be about the other disney princesses.

I have said to much.

So once i have placed a certain amount out their, i will write an authors note saying where the eggs where and what they were.

Okay well thanks. Read on. Get it right on. Okay well i like puns so ill probably add lots of those to.

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