Walking Perfection

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Raising my eyebrow, I stared blankly at James "You think I have second thoughts about us?" I held back the tears "I don't have second thoughts about anything! We both know that you're the one that doubts everything!" I just blinked the tears back. "I can't try to ignore this! It's all the time." I grabbed my jacket "Oh.. I'm not sure if I can say I love you" I mocked him as he stood there silently. "B-But... I-I" Jess! He shook his head "Maybe we should just break up" I shrugged letting a few stray tears dribble down her cheek "Hey.. Hey!" James grabbed my arm "I love you" he pulled me into a hug, one that I really, really needed at that moment. "I'd do anything for you... And do you remember how we met?" he asked stroking my hair back from my face so he could look into my eyes. "Of course I do" I laughed softly and looked up at him "You were the perfect guy.. Who could have dated every girl in Hollywood" He interrupted me "You were the prettiest girl I had ever seen" He smiled with his teeth sparkling, something that I loved about him. "James Diamond the idiot who couldn't make his mind up" He laughed "Oh come on. You weren't famous then" I shifted in his arms a little and shrugged.

-2 Years earlier-

I pulled my head out of the book I was reading and averted my attention to my stupid brother, who was running around topless. "Come here!" My mother shouted at him and grabbed him by the waist "You'd think a 6 year old would want to dress up as a pirate" She sighed and sat down with him on her knee

"Maybe he wants to be a parrot" I smirked at him

"I want to be a Superhero!" He jumped up and pretended to fly around the room.

"Maybe if you helped Jess?" My mother looked at me pleadingly

"Fine" I bit my lip and caught him easily pulling the pirate costume over his head quickly, before he got away from me "Robbie be good for mum" I wagged my finger at him but he had already run away for a foam sword he got in the shop the other day. "

C'mon you're going too" Mum nodded and pulled at my arm

"It's a 6 year olds pirate themed birthday party, why would I want to go?" I looked up at her flaming red hair and chrystal blue eyes.

"Because" She closed her eyes "It's a barbecue and you know their son James" She pulled me up. I did know James, that was true, he was the weird guy and the neighbour hood punch bag, that was until he left less than a year ago. I hadn't seen him since then though. I threw on a pair of denim shorts and my favourite hoodie, before climbing into the back of the family car which smelled of dog and air freshners that just made you feel slightly sick. I hated it. I snapped back when I was hit with my brother's foam sword "Oi Robbie!" I glared at him.

"Jess's being mean again!" He shouted

"Am not!" I yelled

"You're seventeen for goodness sakes be nice!" Mum looked in the rearveiw mirror at us "Little brat" I murmured at him as the car pulled to a halt outside a small semi-detatched

"Go and find Max" Mum nodded at Robbie who ran up to the bouncy castle. Max was James' little brother.

"So much for finding Max" I blinked as he ran off. "Mum" I said in less than a whisper "They are all 6 years old" I fiddled with the tassles on my hoodie.

"No, they aren't Jess, go inside and see if you can get me a drink?" She asked me her eyes sparkling. I nodded and walked off into the house. The pale blue door creaked open as I walked inside. "Hello?" I bit my lip and heard my voice echo throughout the house.

"Hi?" I heard a familair voice snap back at me

"James?" I raised my eyebrow and walked into what seemed like the dining room

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