You hate me??

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Just so you all know I've seen every episode of TMNT 2012 so there may be some of the series in this story so please don't kill me for any spoilers you may find, the words in italics are Mikey's thoughts, anyway enjoy a depressed mikelanglo story.

Mikey's POV
Just another day in the life of me, I mean, this is definitely not the first time I've messed up. In fact, this is the 7th time this week.

Time skip at lair

I ran straight to my room and locked the door ,'why can't they just accept me for who I am like normal brothers do'.
I sigh and walk over to my bed. I sat down, and let myself flop back, my back hitting the soft mattress. I close my eyes, and drift off to sleep.


I jolt awake in a cold sweat, my breathing was shallow. Well, that wasnt good. it tooka little bit but i managed to calm down as my eyes slowly adjusting to the light.
"Mikey get your ass out here and make us some breakfast"  i heard a grumpy hot headed turtle yell.

I sighed, and got out of my bed. I was so hungry, but for some reason the thought of food made me feel sick. i shook my head slightly and left my room. While walking to the kitchen, i let my mind wander, i had a nightmare last night and one thing kept playing on repeat, how my brothers hated me, and wished they weren't related to me.

I sat down at one of the stools, Donnie was making himself a coffee when he noticed I had walked in.
"Mikey you slept in today are you alright" asked Donnie
"Y..yea Don I just...was having a really good dream" I say back.
"Really what was it abo..." I didn't want to answer the question so I cut him off.
"What do you guys want for breakfast"I ask
"Anything Mikey we're starving" said the guy in red
I nod and walked to the stove and made pancakes, I served them to my bros but for some reason, I wasn't hungry, so I waited until they finished and for them to leave before I dumped my food into the bin and hurried to the dojo.

"Today you will be meditating, first, clear your mind of any distractions"
"Heh Mikey couldn't do that to save his life...ow" Leo punched Raph in the arm and stared at him, I looked to the ground, tears stinging my eyes, I tried to hold them in.
"Master splinter, may I be excused from
Training I'm not feeling very well" I say in a quiet tone.
He strokes his goatee.
"Very well, my son, you are excused, get some rest and drink plenty of water".He answered. I bow and walk to my room. once in my room i sat on the bed. This isnt any different from what he usually does, and i never really listen to what they say. So why do i feel so upset, why are all the things hes said rushing around in my head, it was so loud, it hurt alot.


My eyes fell to a sharpener that was sitting on the bedside table. Now id never thought once to harm myself, but its so hard to resist. i grabbed it and took out the blade. with shakey hands i held it to my wrist, and hesitated for a moment, was i really about to do this.

I shook off the thought and cut. I wince in pain, but somehow its oddly comforting. I repeat this once more. I grab some bandages, wrap my arm, laid down on my bed and fell asleep quite quickly.

Word count : 881.

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