I'm sorry

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Mikeys pov

We didn't have a lot in the fridge, just a few selections of meat, some sauce and a bottle of milk, which i think is out of date. I look in the cupboard to see if there was any ingredients that i could throw together. There wasn't. I sigh, guess I have to go out and find something, maybe pizza? I know had to tell Leo i was going out, but I don't think I can bring my self to speak to him right now. 

So I grab my skateboard and a bag to carry the things I get and head to the surface. It was night time so it'll be easier for me to hide from people, and most restaurants were going to be really busy. I get most of the food we eat from the garbage bins out the back, people are so wasteful when it comes to food. It sounds gross but I make sure i grab the things that have been thrown out within the last three days, any longer and its either moldy, or unsafe to use and eat.

My favourite place to grab ingredients is this convenience store a few blocks away from the lair. They usually throw out packets of foods and things like flour and such, and if I'm lucky the odd bottle of milk that still had a few days to be used by.

I wait until the owner of the store goes back inside, before jumping down the side ladders and look in the bin. There sure was a lot of canned veggies and fish? Yeah i have no idea why he has canned fish in the store. I find a couple bags of flour and sugar and my luck must've turned around because i found a box of flavoured chips!

I stuff everything into the bag and made my way to April's place, hopefully she isn't busy. Sometimes she lets me have the foods she doesn't use, like eggs and other ingredients, she's generally a nice person, wish my own family was like her.

I stopped at her apartment window and peaked inside, the lights were on so i gently tapped on the window a couple times. A few seconds had passed before I heard a click and the window opened.

"Hey Mikey, what brings you here?" She inquired, leaning against the window frame for support. "Well, I was wondering if you had anything i could have to make dinner?" I chuckled slightly, I don't ask here for things often, and when I do I always feel guilty for some reason. She thought for a moment. "I'm sure I've got something, wait right here." She closed the window, and her silhouette  disappeared for a little while. About 3 mins later, she opened the window holding two bags full of stuff. "I was going to throw all this out, so I'm glad your here to take it."

She handed me the bags and i put them into my bag. I quickly thanked her and made my way back to the lair, with my skateboard it wont take me long to get back. I entered the lair, to see Leo pacing back and forth around the living room. He looked...worried?

"Uh, hey Leo, whats up?" I asked, and it startled him. He turned to face me." Mikey, care to explain where you've been?". Guess I should've told him where I was. I show him my bag, "I went topside to get food for dinner, we didn't have anyth.." He doesn't let me finish explaining before cutting me off" You went to the surface! You are supposed to tell me when you go topside, and the fact that your grounded means you shouldn't have gone in the first place!"

Grounded? He never said that. " But you never said anything about me being grounded, and isn't that Sensei's decision?"  He doesn't answer me right away, lightly pinches the space between his eyes, obviously tired.

"You know what Mikey, I'm the leader, and the oldest. So I say your grounded, for as long as I feel like you should be." He states firmly. I don't say anything and just nod and head to the kitchen. Why is it always me that gets in trouble, and without me they wouldn't have anything to eat. No use in arguing though, and i get onto cooking.

Timeskip to them eating brought to you by Mikey's culinary skills

Leo's pov

Was I being too harsh on Mikey, maybe. But he never learns and I think we've all had enough. Honestly i hope he realizes were only doing this for his own good. He serves up the soup he made and just left to his room. Thinking about it he hasn't been eating with us during dinner, and I never see him hanging out in the lounge room with us anymore... 

But whats even weirder is the amount of garbage bags in the bin outside the lair. I'd saw them  when i emptied the bin in the kitchen. Raph and Donnie joined me at the table and i decided to ask them about it.

"Hey guys, have you been cleaning at all?" They shake their heads. "Not in the last week or so, why?" Donnie questions. "Its just that the bin outside the lair is full of bags, and I certainly didn't throw anything out. Raph?" "Wasn't me fearless." Raph answered. 

Donnie looked to be deep in thought. " Maybe it was Mikey?" It wasn't entirely impossible, but this what Mikey we were talking about. Raph scoffed." Really. You think Mikey would actually clean anything?".  I spoke up. "Never know until we see for ourselves." Raph and Donnie nodded in agreement, and we decided to talk to Mikey later. 

Okay i know this chapter is short but i have alot planned for the next one so uhh, might be a little bit before i upload it. Let me know what you think of this story so far.

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