(24) Pick Your Mate

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Anti's POV

"In here, Alpha. All you're potential slaves or mates have been chosen for you in here. All you have to do is say which one you want, then walk up to them and make them yours." A female voice said from outside the door. The same sound every time an Alpha needs a slave or potential mate.

"And how do I do that exactly?" A male voice questioned, probably the Alpha soon to enter the room and chose someone. The female voice spoke again,

"Take these silk collars and wrap one around their neck and two others around their front two feet. The collars show other Alpha's that they belong to you. Now, let's go in shall we?" She finished, pushing the door opened.

Two Centaurs walked in, one male and one female. I know the female, she was the one who showed the Alphas' their choices. But the male, he was the definition of Alpha. Bare and muscular chest, front and hind legs covered in dark black hair with multiple scars and wrapping covering his body. His head wrapped in curls of black waves, his stubble a similar colour. His tail was full of braids, and when he walked in, we locked eyes.

Deep red gold met bright blue and green.

His eyes took in my form. The complete opposite of him, a thin-limbed Carvitar. Body covered in brown hair, but my torso, the skin tone of pale porcelain. My entire body was covered in more faded scars, clearly whip marks and deep scratches. My head of hair a darker shade of brown than my body, my slight stubble matching. I felt small and ugly compared to him, so I looked down and away. My action causing the other Centaur, Rosamond, to speak up,

"He's been here a while; no one will pick him because he was found alone and heavily wounded, so he's a little skittish and has some trust issues." She commented, looking back up at the Alpha in the room. "Have you made a decision, Alpha?" She questioned, gesturing to the office, then looking back up to him.

"I think I have." He stated, then looked around the room again till his eye landed on me again. "Could I have the silk collars?" He quietly asked, holding his hand open as he tried to break our gaze. Rosamond nodded, placing the draping silks in the males' hand.

Walking over to me, I bowed my head, closing my eyes as I waited for the silks, but silently thinking he was going to trick me and chose someone else. My eyes widened as I felt the silk collar on the cold skin of my neck.

It was secured on my neck, and I stared down at my feet, as the Alpha held his hand out for me to give him my left front foot. Alpha's weren't allowed to bow down to their soon to be mates or slaves; it made them look less than us. I shifted and placed my front foot in his palm, the skin on skin contact filling me with warm electricity. He wrapped the silk around my ankle, then gently set my foot down, doing the same with the other.

I stood still, looking down at the silk collar wrapped around my ankles. I was finally chosen but was I the Alpha's mate or slave, or both? I don't think I can take any more heartbreak or abuse. I teared up at the thought, the anticipation of heartbreak or happiness; they both scared me.

Wiping away my tears, I looked up at the Alpha, his eyes connecting with mine immediately. He motioned me, overusing his head and hand. Quickly walking over to him, so I wasn't punished, Rosamond led us out of the room.

"How that you have your Omega, you can choose to call them your mate or your slave. You may take you Omega home and deal with them as you wish.-" She bowed quickly, "Have a wonderful day, farewell." She raised back up, smiling as she waved to us, walking away.

As we walked, I bowed my head and kept my hands resting at the base of my back, just the way I was taught. Two fingers push my head up, and a hand takes one of mine from behind my back. I glance over at my Alpha, his smile bright and soft, then look down at our hands, fingers locked together and slow-moving as we walk.

"Ready for a new and better life?" He asks, voice soft. His eyes on me, I look down again, a need to pull my hand from his burning my skin. He pushes my head up again. "Let's get you home before I ask questions." He states, walking fast, so we arrive there sooner.

Roughly ten minutes had passed when we arrived. In front of us stood and beautiful wooden mansion, the walls were made of wood rich in the colour of pecans. Pillars connecting the walls were a deeper shade, nearing pitch black. Fireplaces stood out compared to the house; they were made of many-coloured rocks, sticking out and up like watchtowers. Windows covered the walls, allowing soft red and orange light to pour through them, contrasting with the dark sky outside. The house was surrounded by deep green shrubs and sweet juniper and sage trees.

I gasped, staring up at the house, taking in its detail. My Alpha chuckled from beside me, stepping closer to me to grab my hand again. I smiled, looking at him.

"It's pretty. It's your new home, so you better get used to it." He softly chuckled, looking me in the eye. I admired his features, him doing the same to me: his chiselled jaw, soft pink lips and smooth browline. His small eyes that held gorgeous golden-brown irises stared back at me.

He looked away, face slightly flushed. "Let's head inside; then we'll get to know each other." He toothy grinned, head tilted back towards me. I softly giggled, and he squeezed my hand, his grin widening. 


(I don't know if I'd call this finished, but I could write a second part if anyone wants me to.)

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