Royal Formula

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Where dreams are part of reality, and you hold the power to detroy the world, would you save it or destroy it?

The death of Darkro's parents lead to peace. Darkro , now a young man has extraordinary powers to which he has no idea what they are.

Prologue ...

Breathing heavily after escaping from a beast -like wolf, All he desired was to gaze at the stars in the darkness of the night. Now he regretted coming out of his house. Believing that he escaped, the beast attacked again. Darkro,a boy of 16 years old , sprinted for his life.

The beast was on top of him in an instant, holding his breath and tensing his muscles he spun around holding the beasts jaw, while it continuously tried to snap at his face. He knew he couldn't hold the beast for long. In a futile attempt to get the beast off him, he pushed with all his strength but the beast wasn't even moved. Adrenaline surged through his body as he held on the beasts razor like jaws. A tingling sensation ran through his spine and immediately lightning struck the beast and only ashes remained in Darkro's hands.

As soon as he got his shaking under control and with adrenaline still running through his blood, he looked around and saw the white figures coming towards him, were they angels? he asked himslef. Too scared to wait for the answer, he dashed home going through the forest of illusions. He thought for a second before he went inside the house through the front door. He decided that going in from the front door and telling his parents that he nearly got eaten, wasn't going to be believable so thought better of it. He went round the house looking for his window, finding it right next to the oak tree that he used to climb when he was small. He started climbing, but this time with greater ease he ran up the tree and then leaped to the balcony of his room. He took a quick shower and then went straight to bed, with his head still pounding from the attack. The shaking returned and he wrapped himself up warmly and crawled into bed.

That night Darkro had a dream about a young beautiful lady, she was taller by a an inch or two. She astonishingly beautiful.Then a man appeared behind her .He was a lean tall man with blood black hair. The man mumbled a few words to the lady and the lady started crying.

In the morning Darkro woke up feeling rather weird, all his muscles hurt with pain and his head felt like it was being pulled from either side, he jumped off the bed remembering he had to go school. He got up with his usual groan as he went to the bathroom. He opened the bathroom door and entered while looking for his tooth brush. He stared at the mirror and couldnt believe the face that stared back at him .A glowing crescent moon shape appeared in his eyes .His nose was just plain and his other features remained the same as everyone else's. Normally he wore contact lens, when he was heading for school, he hated wearing contacts, but had to because he was afraid he would be shunned or worse experimented on,. His mother often told him that he was special that a great destiny awaits him. When Darkro's parents suddenly disappeared without any trace of them, Darkro was taken to a foster home.

He never stayed there long but how could he forget the month he was there?. The kids there were unbelievably miserable, but he couldn't do anything to help.


The school bus was leaving by the time darkro got out of the house and walked to the pavement. Darkro was running late by the time he noticed that the school bus was leaving. Outside his house were other tall bulidings that replicated his house. He loved his foster parents but if heaven and earth became one they could never become like his biological parents. Darkro neared the bus and to his surprise, it wasn't slowing down but was rather going faster and faster. He was almost about to touch the bus, when he felt somthing strange on his fingers, an almost electric feeling moving up his arm and his legs felf tired and his head was feeling drowsy and dizzy. He felt as if he had just run 10 miles. He was sure it was the same feeling he had felt last night, but only a little bit different.

The bus suddenly spun to the side pulling to a stop on the side walk. Darkro slowed to a walk and entered the bus. The students were in their usual moods , some excited, some looking scared and others chatting away.

Darkro's heart almost skipped a beat as he looked towards the geeks end and saw the girl looking scared. He wanted to go over and comfort her but her deep blue eyes made his heart sink to his feet,. Everything seemed perfect about her , the way her dark brown hair swirls around, the way her hips swing from side to side when she walked, the list was endless in Darkro's mind . Amera was just too amazing . She wore a black designer glasses and whenever she smiles, her cute dimples appeared. She was light skinned and always wore a ready smile which melted darkros heart .

She was unbelievably popular as she had quite a number of qualities. Darkro had no chance of reaching her, he was a nobody. He only had one friend, besides him everyone else didnt even know he existed except the bullies................................................................................................................

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