Unknown attack

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Darkro couldn't take his eyes of her. She had a laboratory assistant badge saying her name amera thompson. He rarely saw her as they weren't in the same class and she was usually busy studying most of the time.

His thoughts were disrupted when Benz his best friend arrived. Benz had a muscular body , with broad shoulders. He was bright skinned and usually preferred his hair cut short. Students usually called him Mercedes and would start laughing . They made fun about his small eyes as he was a chinese. However Benz was Darkro's best friend.

"You seem to be out of it today ", benz said.

"It's nothing big , its just that she can't seem to leave my mind ", Darkro replied.

"Dude, why don't you just go and talk to her" Benz said, kind of annoyed.

"I can't", darkro replied quickly , then took a sneak peak behind his seat to see if anybody was listening.

"Why not?, be a man about it, its not like she's an alien anyway." Benz said calmly.

" I don't know she makes me nervous, I'm afraid she might hate me or not share my feelings", Darkro whispered to Benz.. Before Benz could reply the bus arrived at school and another boring day of school day began.

Darkro still felt unusual, his whole body felt alien to him, as though it was not his. it. He looked over his arms looking at it from all angles. He still couldn't figure out what was wrong .It just felt stronger.

He looked around and laughed out loudly with people giving him the " You're crazy look". Darkro's heart felt lighter then before. He was eager about his 16th birthday which was in one weeks time.

He was doing his final year in secondary school, his GCSE's were very close. He walked towards the automatic double door entrance of the school. The school was enormous, it had six storeys and was the size of a large park in terms of length.

It's windows were shinning blue instead of the usual white that other schools had and was built more like a castle then a school. The doors opened as he walked towards them and past them onto his classroom on the third floor.


The end of the day came quickly as it neared Home time.

The bell finally rang with the students pouring out of class not even waiting for the biology teacher to finish. Darkro walked out later then the others as he wanted to finsh everything before he left. He finally finshed and walked towards the school parking lot as it proved to be a shortcut to his house.

He saw a shadow fall fast behind one of the teachers cars and suspicious Darkro looked in that direction to see an old man being attacked by a group of men with grey suits. "Where is the boy, Paitheron?" Darkro overheard one of the men shout. He appeared to be the leader of them, he stood in a confident, fearless way while the others were with bowed their heads down.

One of the men looked over his shoulder and spotted Darkro gaping at them.

Darkro tried to act casual but his faced failed him miserably he was never any good at drama class anyway.

"Kill that kid ", Their leader ordered the men.

Darkro blinked and they instantly surrounded him. It appeared like they had teleported right next to him. The strange tingling feeling returned,His body started feeling more powerful, his legs felt lighter like never before. He felt invincible.

The first one opened his mouth , he revealed monstrous, grotesque teeth and lunged at Darkro.

"A'ZARATH FELIMELIOUS QUINTECE ", Darkro recited eventhough he had no idea how he knew the words and 3 of the shadow like aliens exploded to ashes.

One of them cried out to the leader " Master, he is the one".

There voice were hoarse and inhuman, they somehow resembled the the figure of Darkro.

They all turned and lunged at him.

"LIOS TERMINATUS", darkros lips moved by themselves again. Darkros vision went dark, he realised he was falling unconcious as he heard a voice whispering his full name Darkroy Azarath....


Note by writer

Will darkro die or will the same alien force which moved the bus and his lips save him from the snakelike men.. Lol find out .. In next time ....

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