A Path To Where.......

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Will darkro find the out what happened to his parents or will he be killed like his parents................................................................................................................................

After the vampire vanished darkro heared a scream in the distance.

A lady was being attacked Darkro already had adrenaline from the encounter with the vampire. He didn't want anybody to experience that feeling of terror so he ran towards the scream without thinking about the consequences of his action.

He arrived with the vampire holding a knife to the neck of the woman.

"where is your birthright darkro, why don't you use it to save this woman",whispered the vampire but his voice still carried out to darkro.

The woman was sobbing loudly now.

"I can't, I dont know how to use them", darkro shouted at the vampire.

If only he could use his powers everything would be so much easier for him.

He looked around for anything that could help him but couldn't find anything because he was at the end of the park where it lead into an untamed forest.

He was still thinking when his thoughts were interrupted.

" Ok let this be lesson for you, learn quickly and quicker than ever", the vampire said as he slit the womans throat she was still screaming .

"NOOOOOO------------", she died screaming and her body crumpled to the floor.

Darkro was was still in shock when the vampire started stepping into the shadows.

"remember zenith darkro remember zenith" the vampire said as he took his final step back into the shadows and vanished as, if he traced away or teleported.

It had just occurred to darkro why a vampire would use a knife when he could have used his hands as easily as taking candy from a baby. As he heared the sound of the sirens coming close fast.

Darkro began running, sprinting flat out against the uneven surface of the forest.

Darkro spotted two cops infront of him but they still hadn't seen him.

The vampire must have called the cops before all this happened.

The cops were looking for a killer and darkro shirt was blood stained.

"MOVE", darkro shouted at the top of his lungs at the cops.

The cops where caught off guard and dived for cover.

Darkro ran pass them as fast as he could his chest was heaving and it was becoming painful to breath.

"STOP", yelled when of the cops.

Darkro didn't even hear what the cop had said his body was reacting funnily.

He was seeing a light ahead but it seem to be coming closer.

The rest of his body was on fire now and he was seeing a path towards a cave at the end where it lead to a mountain.

The light was blinding him now and he seemed to be running faster and faster.

He was sure he'd crash into the mountain or if not then get, tripped up by a rock and fall on his face.

But neither happened, he fell into the abyss of light and nothing happend.

Stairs appeared out of nowhere......................................................................................................

A path to where....

Where will this new road take our darkro to now will he find out what happened to his parent will people die for his faults.

Will he be able to use his incredible powers.

What did his last name being in one of the spells have to do with anything....

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