Academy Of Monsters....

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The stairs appeared out of nowhere as Darkro was floating in the white abyss. Darkro moved forward or at least tried to move forward. He couldn't move because it was like in space were their was no gravity and there seemed a lighter feeling to this place then in earth as if this wasn't earth and if he was trapped anywhere. He was suddenly jerked towards the stairs and his feet touched down on hard surface. Darkro still couldn't see infront so he stumbled forward and took his time trying to see around himself to look for any indication of where he was at. 

Darkro tripped over somthing and fell forward with a shocked cry as the light abruptly went out faster then it came. There must be something controlling the things in the surrounding because everything seem to be moving on their own the walls where now visible as the left. His eyes where still hurting from seeing in so much light and he couldn't believe the little he was seeing. He was confuesd now because he was sure he wasn't imaging things the wall was moving. It was spreading surrounding him in a cave like manner and there seemed to be an opening forming.The moving walls finally stopped moving and everything was set in place. Darkro got up of the floor holding his arm to his body because it was still paining him. 

He moved towards the opening that formed in the cave like place carefully still aware of the moving walls. Nothing moved it was as if death had settled in the place and killed everything. Darkro walked out of the cave into a gigantic forest trees all around him further in the distance darkro saw a huge foot print. As Darkro moved completely out of the cave it abruptly closed on itself leaving Darkro stranded on an unknown place.Darkro was panicking now screaming at the wall to open up and kicking it trying anything to get it open. After a few minutes he got tired of kicking and screaming and sat down on the grassy floor. He thinking about his options when he heared a mind blowing roar off in the distance. That does not sound like a lions roar to me Darkro thought to himself as he stood up to go. Walking quickly Darkro moved through the forest fairly quickly and arrived in a clearing he stood on the edge of some stairs which lead down into the clearing. 

There was a woman and an old man standing there talking. There was a haze around the clearing a bubble that surround it. It kept the flies away whenever any strayed near it.Darkro walked through the bubble of whatever it was and tiptoeing crept slowly round a bunch of trees and when he was in hearing distance he heared them talking. The crystal won't be holding out much longer from this type of assault", said the woman. "My dear will you relax it will work out trust me, we will find the thief who stole the crystals core so calm yourself", Darkro heared the old man reply. 

'CRACK' a twig broke on Darkro left foot. 

"Who's there, show yourself", the woman shouted with a commanding voice. 

Darkro felt a strong urge to answer but kept his mouth shout he was too terrified to speak. The womans sudden appearance next to him scared him speachless. She brought up her hands and pushed him. It felt like being hit with a bulldozer. He flew backwards towards the tree behind hit it and started losing concious. His eyes felt heavy as they drifted down he looking closely at the woman. She was beautiful but how had she the strength to throw Darkro that far with on push and with that last thought darkro fell unconcious............................................................................

Darkro woke up to shocking pains in his body. It felt like his body was cut into pieces and put back together with glue. Darkro heared voices around him he still hadn't opened his eyes but he could hear a familiar voice talking. 

"what happened you were supposed to watch him. We sent you only to look after him and you fail!!!"shouted the voice he had come to relise was the women in the clearing. 

He examined his surrounding with body without moving and found out he was on a bed. 

" It wasn't my fault they came after him sooner the we thought", shouted a voice that darkro recognised well.  

His eyes flew open as he recognised that voice and standing there was the girl he had a crush on for so long wearing what appeared to be school uniform. She gasped at him and her eyes opened wide in surprise. After hearing the girls gasp of surprise the woman which looked like a politician turned around to look at him. 

She didn't seem surprised said "Are you okey". 

"where am I",Darkro said ignoring the woman first question. 

She took the insult in stride and said " In the academy", while turning back to the girl. 

"Now amera go fetch the headmaster", said the woman. 

"now Darkro let me tell you that you will be attending this school so don't make a fuss" said the woman. While Amera slipped into the shadows.......

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