Chapter 3: Magic Returns

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Sunset walked in the door around 9 and sighed.

Celestia, who was lying on the couch with a book, followed the girl with her eyes until she slumped down in the recliner, "That bad, was it?"

Sunset chuckled, "No. Apparently the big 'emergency' was because she needed an extra guitar string."

"That doesn't sound like a mature use for an emergency text." Celestia commented.

"Tell me about it." Sunset groaned, "Then she had us practice for three hours in the school hallway."

Celestia laughed.

Sunset rolled her eyes then frowned, "I was sitting on the steps writing to Twilight when this person came up and started feeling around the portal. I tried to get a look at them but they got on a bus before I could catch them."

Celestia studied her, the situation obviously worried the younger girl but when it came to Equestria, Celestia was at a loss. The only thing she knew about the world on the other side of the statue was that ponies were sentient, the princess that caused Sunset to run to this world in the first place was her counterpart and a bit about Sunset's personal life. Well, and the fact that it was filled with actual magic.

"I'm going to go paint my bike before I go to sleep." Sunset announced after a moment then, wordlessly went out to the garage.


Sunset grinned at the paint job. It was her cutie mark that faded into orange, yellow and red flames. Now all she needed to do was let it dry overnight then, after school the next day, she would apply the glossy coat before she could ride it.

By the time she got inside, Celestia had already gone upstairs to bed, only leaving the upstairs light on so Sunset could see. So, the teen went upstairs and dipped into the bathroom for a quick shower then went to sleep.


The next afternoon, Sunset's brain was still wracking itself, trying to figure out who that mysterious person was and why they were tampering with the portal. Rainbow believed it was a student from crystal prep.

It did make sense, they have been Canterlot High's biggest rivals since before Celestia went to school. However, the person didn't look like they were trying to prank them. They looked like they were deliberately checking out the portal.

And what was that gadget they were using. Sunset though, It looked like some sort of spectrometer.

When the bell for class rang they all dispersed until they were called into the gym for an assembly. Sunset knew that Rainbow and the school marching band have been rehearsing for this assembly but she surely didn't expect a full-blown concert and was certainly not expecting her rainbow haired friend to grow wings without the use of her electric guitar.

"Woah!" Pinkie said.

Sunset sat in her seat slack jawed, Woah is right.

The assembly was dismissed shortly after and the girls went to meet a pretty happy Rainbow Dash backstage.

"Rainbow Dash!" Fluttershy said as the group approached their friend, "That was amazing. Even I feel like we can win."

"I feel like my school pride is at an all-time high!" Rarity said excitedly.

Sunset was thankful when Applejack, the queen of honesty, spoke, "Is anybody else wondering how Dash ponied up without playing her guitar?"

"I know right?" Rainbow said cockily, "It's probably because I'm so awesome."

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