Chapter 5: Second Round (FG Part 2)

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Author's Note

So, with the amazing help of AliceLiz on FiM Fiction, I edited all of the friendship games chapters so they're a little less....boring. This includes chapter 4 which has been updated as well. I also know that, no, it's not Friday but consider this a "I'm sorry the last chapter sucked" chapter and, hopefully, it sucks a lot less.

When she saw the plant stretch out in front of her, one of Chrysalis's most valuable lessons kicked in: how to minimize damage in an accident. Sunset had good enough reflexes to bail off of her bike rather than run right into the plant though she smacked her head off the ground hard enough that she started to see spots.

What are Equestrian plants doing on the field? Sunset thought as she got to her knees.

Celestia had never had genuine fear as she did when she saw one of the monsters poise over Sunset who didn't seem to notice. There was no way she would make it there in time, all she could do was watch in horror as it lunged straight towards her daughter.

After the fear came the relief as she saw, almost in slow motion, mere seconds before it chomped down on Sunset, Rainbow Dash, Celestia's new favorite of Sunset's friends, swooped in and pulled her out.

"Tia." Luna said, worriedly.

It was then that Celestia realized she had shed a few tears and she whipped them away.

"You should go to check on the students." She suggested, giving her a look that told Celestia all she needed to know

Sunset watched Rainbow defend the other contestants and could feel her anger and worry grow. I knew someone would get hurt!

She sped through the course, dodging plants and holes just wanting the race to be over already before someone got really hurt. She was surprised that no one stopped it yet.

Sunset raced down the track until she and the other Crystal Prep rider were neck in neck. It wasn't until the last second when she pulled ahead through the finish line.

Canterlot High cheered at the victory. Dean Cadence then told all the students to proceed to the gym as the plants retreated back to where they came from.

Finally, all the plants disappeared and the field was silent.

"Is everybody all right?" Applejack asked as she, Pinkie, Fluttershy and Rarity ran over to Sunset.

Sunset was sore and was ninety percent sure she had painful road rash on her back but fine over all. She was angry though. She knew that because of this, four of her friends and six of the Crystal preppers had been stuck in the center of the arena, Rainbow risked her life protecting everyone, and she almost died! Again! Sunset was far from 'OK' in her head.

"Better than alright," Rainbow said as she landed, "We won!"

Sunset ripped her helmet off, "Yeah we won, but someone could have been seriously hurt!" Sunset yelled "The magic is going haywire and I have no idea how to fix it!"

"Um, Excuse me." The group turned to see Twilight shifting nervously, staring at the ground, "I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I just wanted to learn about the strange energy coming from your school. I didn't know it was magic or how it works."

Of course, you didn't. Sunset thought, trying her best to control her anger.

Rainbow Dash walked up to her with a smile, "It's OK, neither do we."

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