Chapter 11: Bad Advice

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Author's Note

Oh wow, almost forgot it was new chapter day!


The next couple days past in a flash. Sunset and Twilight, though constantly being around each other, were still awkward interacting in person. They texted after school and had the occasional phone call with ease but in person, not so much. This was mainly due to Sunset. Twilight didn't understand, Sunset was fun to talk to over text or on the phone but outside of that, she was quiet and barely gave her one word answers in class.

Twilight thought she understood what was happening, she just didn't want it to be true. It happened once before, in elementary school.

So, after school, she went home, dropped off her school stuff and texted her brother.

Twi: Hey Shinny, are you working tonight?

A few minutes past before her phone lit up with a response.

S. Armor: I'm about to finish up my shift. What's up?

Twi: I'm having trouble with a friend at school and I was hoping to talk about it with you.

S. Armor: Twily, you have a friend? I'm so happy for you! How about I call mom and dad, convince them to let you come have dinner with Cadence and I?

Twi: Thank you!

Twilight turned her phone off and grinned. It's been a long time since she's had dinner with her brother and his girlfriend. She went to get changed before receiving a text from Shining Armor that he got the OK.

So, Twilight sat in her room and did her homework until, almost an hour later, a voice called through the house.

"Twily? You home?" Shining called.

She hopped out of her desk and practically ran to her brother and enveloped him in a hug. He was still dressed in his EMT uniform so she figured he probably got off work and came right over.

"It's so good to see you." Twilight said.

"It's good to see you too." He ruffled her bangs, "You're getting so big."

Twilight giggled, "It's only been a few months."

"In the last few days you changed schools, decided against Everton and made friends!" Shining said with pride, "Give me this."

"Fine." Twilight grumbled.

They both headed out to Shining's Blue truck and he started to drive to wherever Cadence had decided they would eat.

"So, Cadence told me about the games." He said.

Twilight shrunk in her seat. "How much did she tell you?"

Shining glanced over to her, "Are you OK?"

That gave Twilight her answer, "Oh I'm perfectly fine! Not a scratch." She said with mock pep.

The older sibling sighed, "You know that's not what I meant."

"I'm fine Shining, really." Twilight assured him.

They drove for a few minutes in silence.

"So, magic huh?" Shining said.

"Oh! Yes! I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. Not to mention the alternate dimension!" She said.

Shining blinked at the statement. "Wow."

Twilight looked at him, "You actually believe me?"

"It's hard to believe you and Cadence would make something up like this." Shining said, "Did you tell mom and dad?"

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