Chapter 6: Final Round (FG Part 3)

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All of the students gathered in the courtyard and Cadence stood at the podium waiting for the students to gather for the final event of the friendship games. All Sunset could think about was how she upset Twilight, a person she didn't even know. Sure, she looked like the Equestrian princess but, much like Celestia, she was a completely different person.

"I don't feel like playing these games anymore." Fluttershy said after Luna had finished explaining the rules for the capture the flag game.

"But we have to play." Rainbow insisted, "This is the last event!"

"It's a little hard to focus with all the magic stealing and portal opening" Rarity said.

"And I feel awful about what I said to Twilight." Sunset told her friends.

"Especially since she obviously didn't even mean to do the stuff she did." Fluttershy said, "She's actually really nice."

Sunset grimaced at her friend's honesty and buried her face in her hands. Yep, I'm a horrible person.

"Let's just get through this last event and prove we're not a bunch of cheaters." Applejack said then put a comforting hand on Sunset's shoulder, "Then you can go over and apologize."

Sunset sighed, "Yeah. I just wish I had said what I meant. I was just so angry and scared of what could have happened, none of my words came out right. I was just as concerned about her getting hurt as I was about you guys! It came out as if I didn't care."

"Now, Sunset." Rarity said, "It didn't come across quite like that. Though I am surprised, you haven't lost your temper like that for quite some time."

"Yeah, I kind of forgot you had one." Rainbow said.

Sunset chuckled, "I guess that's a positive but I've been so stressed the past five months that I didn't have time to be angry."

Pinkie's expression turned into shock along with the rest of Sunset's friends. Sunset raised a brow and Fluttershy pointed to something behind her.

Sunset turned around to see Twilight slowly making her way into the middle of the court yard looking afraid, clutching her pendant.

What is she doing? Sunset thought approaching cautiously as Twilight took off the pendant. She looked to the shadow bolts and saw the look on Cinch's face. Oh no.

Twilight held the pendant in her hand and traced a finger over it as Luna came over the intercom. That was a look Sunset knew all too well; undeniable temptation.

No, don't do it. She begged Twilight internally, You don't want that! I should have taken it from her when I had the chance.

Sunset started running to Twilight as she began to open the pendant.

"Twilight, no!" Her dog yelled, but it was too late.

A powerful wave of energy knocked Sunset and the surrounding students off their feet. Now, all Sunset could do was watch as Twilight was lifted into the air by all the magic she had taken and it began to suck her in.

Celestia watched the terrifying scene unfold in front of her. She remembered the night of the formal when she and the entire student body had seen Sunset transform, much like this. The mortified yet sad look on Sunset's face told her that the young girl remembered the same. The only difference was that in Sunset's mind, it was more vivid and painful to watch.

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