Chapter 4

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It's been six hours since the accident, Virgil has decided to come out of his room and apologize to Roman.

Virgil writes a note to Roman telling him to meet him in the garden. Virgil puts the note down on the floor in front of Roman door, knocks on the door, and quickly walks away.

Roman opens the door and sees the note. He picks it up, reads and the note and smiles.

About half a hour later, Virgil is waiting in the garden waiting for Roman's arrival. Roman arrives about ten minutes later.

Virgil: You're late, Princey.
Roman: Sorry, I got caught up in some business.
Virgil: Okay.

They stand in silence for a bit

Virgil: I'm sorry for earlier, I got scared since it was all of a sudden..
Roman: It's fine! I shouldn't have done that in the first place, i should be apologizing.
Virgil: ...Can we try again? This time with consent?
Roman: Yeah.

They stand awkwardly in silence for a bit again.

Roman: Virgil, may I kiss you?
Virgil: Yes, you may kiss me your highness.

((I don't know why I made them so formal))

Roman puts his hand on Virgil's cheek and the other on Virgil's hip. Virgil really has no idea what to do with his arms or hands, so he awkwardly puts his hands around Roman.

Roman leans Virgil in kissing him slowly and softly. Virgil is a bit shock at first, but starts kissing back. The kiss only last about a few seconds before they pull away.

Virgil's face was completely red, while Roman only had a little bit of blush on his cheeks.

On the other side of the garden, two men are watching, pretending to be gardeners are spy's from the rival kingdom. They were sent in to make sure Virgil was indeed Prince Roman's lover. Now that they know Virgil is, they plan to head back to their kingdom with the news.

At the other kingdom

It took a while for both of the spies took a while, but made it back. They told king Remy was Virgil was Prince Roman's lover.

King Remy was satisfied with the news, his plan can finally go into motion.

((Sorry for the short chapter, I needed a way for the conflict of the story to be introduced, so I wrote this.))

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