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Josephine's POV

Streaks of sunlight penetrate the window and blind me. I blink a couple times, my eyes flickering open. I rub my knuckles against my eyes wiping the sleep off of it, memories from last night start flooding through my head. I totally forgot that I let a complete stranger spend the night at my apartment. Now that I think about it, that was quite stupid. Hero could have been a serial killer for all I know, but I won't judge.

Leaning over to my bedside table, I reach out for my phone and check the time. It was only ten in the morning, I'm surprised I even got up this early.

I sit up, slowly forcing my body out of the bed. I stumble to my bathroom and switch on the light. I stare at my reflection in the mirror for a moment before quickly brushing my teeth. When I'm finished, I turn off the light and start to walk down the small stairs of my apartment.

When I make it to the living room, I stop in my tracks. The couch that he slept on last night was now empty, the blanket neatly folded resting on top. I'm not completely sure of what I was expecting, but I was not expecting this.

It was late last night—well morning—when I found Hero. I would have guessed he would still be sleeping but instead, he's gone. I make my way to the kitchen, assuming he would be there but he isn't.

I felt slightly disappointed, It's not like I loved his company but I felt a bit uneasy that he left without saying anything. I wondered where he was now, was he back at the party? Or did he get a ride back to his place? Is he okay?

I shake the thoughts from my head, opening my cabinet grabbing a box of cereal. I head over to my fridge, swinging it open. I search for the milk, when I don't see it I look again.

My eyes must be playing tricks on me hence the fact that I am barley awake.

Or not.

I was out of milk, shit. I put the cereal back and take out a breakfast bar. I make sure to remember that I needed to go grocery shopping soon. I eat my small, breakfast—well barely a breakfast—with a glass of orange juice.

When I finish, I head back upstairs to make my bed. I then decided to clean up my whole apartment while I'm at it. Once I was done, I lazily threw on a sweatshirt and pull my hair up into a ponytail. I even don't bother changing my shorts. I grab my wallet and pull on my white sneakers, heading out. I exist the apartment complex, walking over to my car.

"Josephine!" I hear a voice say in the distance.

I look around, not seeing anyone so I decide to brush it off.

"Josephine!" I hear again.

When I look behind me, I see Hero running in my direction.

"Hey," he says.

What's he still doing here?

"Um, hey..."

"Where are you going?"

"Grocery store," I say.

His eyes lingers on mine for a bit before he opens his mouth to speak, but then closes it. I give him a few seconds to search for his words, but he remains silent.

"Did you sleep well last night?" I finally say.

"Yeah, I guess," he says with a faint scowl on his face.

Okay... Is he not going to mention why he just left? I mean, he is in no obligation to explain himself but I just thought a person with basic manners would.


His face turns into a disgusted frown as he stares at my face.

"What?" I blurt. My voice comes out more angry than I intended.

"Damn, nothing. Why are you being so uptight?" He says.

"How am I being uptight? You are the one who left without saying anything," I explain calmly.

"Okay, so?" He shrugs.

I look at him in slight disbelief. "So nothing," I say.

"Then why are you so mad?"

"I'm not." I say rolling my eyes at him. I'm annoyed, not because he left, but because he's being so rude all of a sudden.

"Then what's with the attitude?"

My eyebrows lift in shock. If he wants to critique my attitude, maybe he should fix his first. "You tell me," I say crossing my arms.

He scoffs. "Okay so, let me get this straight. You're upset because I left your apartment?" He says, his voice holding judgment.

"That statement is way too simplified."

He's not looking for a fight is he? It's way too early to be doing this.

"But it's the truth."

"No, it is not. I was annoyed at first but now I don't care," I say trying to dismiss this conversation. "Why did you come to me in the first place?" I ask him.

"Why does it matter?"

"I was just wondering, why can't you just simply answer it?" How does his friends put up with him?

"Why do you always ask me so many questions? I don't even know you."

I'm confused, is this the same guy who knocked on my door begging for water? Did he forget all of that? If not then why is he acting like this?


"Just drop it, Jo."

I shoot him a dirty look. How can someone be so infuriating? He managed to turn the blame on me, when it was him who was dragging this out in the first place. I shake my head, opening my car door.

He watches me as I step into my car, letting out an annoyed huff as he rolls his eyes and walks away.

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