chapter two

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I scrolled through twitter one last time before deciding to take a shower. Twitter is slowly starting to take over my life. I am stalking famous people (aka Ian Harding) for at least three hours at night, and in the morning, i find myself waking up to tweets from Keegan Allen or Tyler Blackburn, and . . i just cant help myself. I mean come on, who doesn't love pretty little liars?

That reminds me! Episode 13 of Season 4 airs tonight, in precisely 10 minutes. I cant take a shower in 10 minutes and get dressed. It will take me at least 30 minutes because i need to blow dry my hair too!

I guess ill just have to wait until the end of the show to take a shower.

I swung open my bedroom door and threw myself onto the sofa. I cannot afford to miss tonights show. Suposably, according to everyone on twitter, this is the episode that Ali comes back. I don't know for sure, maybe it could just be a rumour because the bloody thing hasn't even been broadcasted yet so how would they know?

I grabbed the remote and switched the tv on, the first thing to appear on the small flatscreen making me groan. Football. Honestly, who finds entertainment out of watching a couple of sweaty men run from one side of the pitch to the other? It's not very appealing at all in my opinion.

Just as i was about to flick over to pretty little liars, the front door opens. I turn my head, to see a sweaty Louis enter, and shut the door behind him before running a hand through his hair. I mentally groaned.

His eyes flickered over to me, an emotionless look on his face as he then glanced over to the tv. His eyes suddenly grew wide and he raced over to me, dropping the bag that was sturdied on his shoulder, and throwing himself on the seat beside me.

"Shit, i thought it started at half past" Louis muttered, snatching the remote from my hand and turning the volume up.

"Um, excuse me" I grabbed the remote straight back out of his hand, "Episode 13 of pretty little liars is on, i cant miss it" I flicked over the channel.

"What the fuck are you doing! This is an important game!" He took the remote from me, again, and switched the channel back over.

This is basically how our lives go about when Louis gets home. We fight over the smallest things, and it always ends up with Louis getting what he wants.

"This is an important episode! Ali is coming back into the show dick face now give me the remote" I demanded, reaching over him to take it back, he only moved it away from my grasp, his eyes still glued to the screen, watching all the middle aged men run around the field after a ball. I grunted.

"I could give less than two shits about Amy. It's Donny against Rotherham"

I narrowed my eyes at him, "Okay first of all, its Ali not Amy, and second, its not donny against rotherham, its a bunch of sweaty men chasing a ball" I stated drly, attempting the grab the remote again but he only hid it behind his back, "Louis" I whined.

"Shut up!" He seethed, leaning closer to the tv, resting his arms on his legs and watching the screen intently. I sighed, standing from the sofa and storming over to the bathroom.

"Fine" I muttered, slamming the bathroom door and locking it. I need a shower anyway, and i will just have to watch the episode tomorrow on catch up.

"Oi!" Louis' voice rang from outside the door. A few pounds sounded on the wood, making me jump slightly.

I groaned, unlocking the door and opening it slightly, to reveal the same brunette boy, "What?" I spat.

"I need a shower first"

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