Chapter 7 - Lukas Knows

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We went back to the park we were at before. All I could think about was Reuben waving his little hoof and Lukas' sad face as he walked away. We sat on a bench in silence for a while. Then I spoke.

Jesse: "I'm going to save Reuben."

Olivia: "You don't know where he is."

Jesse: "No. But I know someone who does. I'm going to call Lukas."

Axel: "Lukas? How would he know?"

Jesse: "It's his story."

I took out my phone and called him. It was ringing for quite some time.

Lukas: "Jesse?"

Jesse: "Lukas, I need your help."

Lukas: "Jesse. The only person in this world unable to help you is me!"

Jesse: "Just hear me out. Where was the setting for the Evil vet doctor's hideout?"

Lukas: "How should I know where Hadrian is?!"

Jesse: "I'm not talking about Hadrian. I mean the one in your story!"

Lukas: "I don't know."

Jesse: "Come up with something."

Lukas: "An underground layer in the middle of the Sahara Desert. I guess."

Jesse: "Perfect. Then that's where I'm going."

Lukas: "Jesse! It's way too dangerous. And it's a very long way away!"

Jesse: "Then I guess I better hurry!"

Lukas: "You're going to get yourself killed!"

Jesse: "I will do anything for my friends, Lukas. I hope you will too."

I hung up.

Jesse: "I'm off, guys."

Olivia: "We're coming too."

Jesse: "No! I need you guys to stay here!"

I hugged them.

Jesse: "I'll be back before you know it."

So I walked off to go get a flight to the Sahara Desert in Africa.

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