Chapter 1

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(Captian America civil war also happened and they have not talked again yet)

3rd Pov

      Peter ran from an alleyway after patol trying to make sure he would arrive on time. He didn't want to risk being late for curfew. He ran as quickly as possible before being hit with a car.

"Kid are you okay!" _asked but Peter was already running away unaware that he had just met Tony Stark-Strange.

~30 minutes before
Tony Pov

     "Wake up!" I herd a voice say as I was being shook.

"" I said to the voice ignoring them as I was not a meeting person.

"Tony get you're arse up right now we have a meeting to go to!" The now recognizable voice of my husband screamed at me.

"Fine, Wizard." I said as I was getting up he didn't even bother trying to deny it as he had gotten used to me calling him that.

3rd Pov
   After Tony got up deciding to take a shower before going down to eat and have the thing keeping him alive otherwise known as coffee. After a 10 minute shower Tiny got dressed in a simple shirt and jeans before going downstairs.

Once he arrived downstairs he began to walk over to his much taller husband and give him a peck on the cheek before walking over to grab his coffee

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Once he arrived downstairs he began to walk over to his much taller husband and give him a peck on the cheek before walking over to grab his coffee.

  "We should get going if we want to make it on time." Strange said. As they finished and got up heading to the car. Once in Tony suspected his husband wanted to say something.

"Yes wiz?" Tiny asked raising an eyebrow at his lover who had been quiet for a while.

"Um Tony, I was wondering if we possibly could adopt a child" Strange said although it was said in a whisper Tony heard him and looked at him quizingly. "I was just wondering"  He said with a slight frown he may seem stone cold but in reality he was very soft and kind

"I know you really want to adopt a child I saw how you look at the smallest things that even remotely said for a kid. I just worry about ending up like him. I don't want to be that type of father." Tony said with a sad smile remembering his childhood.

But the moment did not last long because some kid was running and barely noticed them as Tony slammed the brakes. And the car came to a stop the kid popped right back up before continuing to run. They got out to quickly help the kid but he was gone as quickly as he came.

" Well that was strange." Strange nodded along to show his knowledge. "Um..we can adopt if you really want to." Tony said with a unsure but firm voice.

"Thank you Tones." Strange said whilst hugging him tight.

"So enough with the mushy stuff. How do you say we do it on Sunday? Also what gender and age are we looking for." Tony said going back to his usual arrogant self. Strange rolled his eyes but complied.
(BTW it is currently Friday)
"How about a boy who is also a teenager so that when we are on missions he can take care of himself." Strange says confident in his answer.

"Well I know a place where we could find a teenager it's a orphanage called Helping Hands orphanage, they only have teens and they are both boys and girls. And we should probably start designing a room for him along with telling the others too since Thor and Bruce are here we could tell them first along with Furry. Then we could tell T'challa, Vision, and Rhodes along with Pepper." Tony said as his thoughts were out loud.

"Okay well let's go see what this meeting is about anyway." Strange said as they got out the car going to their destination of the S.H.E.I.L.D.  headquarters. After going to the meeting room and greeting everyone Fury began.

"Since everyone is here I have an announcement to make!" He waited for dramatic pause." The others are coming back from the loft and are cleared however are under house arrest for a month. And as I know I hate to say it but they have to stay at Stark tower with you guys." Outraged screams filled the room and from the screen as video was being transmitted from T'challa as he was busy and could not make the trip over here.

" I know I would rather not but we need the government off our tails and this needs to stop incase the world ever needs the avengers again." Fury said with hidden pity in his voice knowing what Stark would need to go through.

"Okay since there is no changing it we might as well tell you about our announcement." Tony said trying to bring the mood back up.

"What are you guys finally going to stop Tony's coffee addiction.?" Bruce said as he was putting his head on the table to prevent himself from going green from anger.

"No and Bruce we both know that will never happen." Strange said as sad as it was. "Actually me and Tony decided to adopt a kid." He said with a smile on his face.

"Oh wow congrats you two. Well this meeting is over and team cap should be coming on Sunday. That will be all." Furry said as he left the room.

"So what gender and age you guys doing." Bruce asked as they began to walk out.

"We decided on a male teenager. So that if we're on missions he could be able to take care of himself. Also wiz are you okay with anouncing him to the public." Tony said wanting to make sure it was okay.

" I guess if we don't they will most likely find out some how. They always do." Strange said as he ran his hand through his hair.

As they arrived they parted ways and we're going to bed stressed about what was going to happen. Tony made sure to have rooms set up for the rouge's on a lower floor so they weren't that close to them. Tony and Stephen soon fell asleep cuddled in each other's arms.

~Across town with Peter~

"You insolent brat I told you not to be late!" Ms.Main said as she slapped me hard before throwing me in my room and gave me a kick on the ribs before leaving. I watched as blood began to flow before I gently day up before getting to work on patching myself up and laying out clothes for work tomorrow. As I welcomed slumber letting my first day of spring break start.

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