My Life Gets Better Every Letter That You Write Me

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So, school is starting for me in just a few days. This means that updates will slow down, though I don't know how slow it will get. I will attempt to make sure it isn't too long until the next update, but there's no telling how much time I will actually get. Anyway, to all those in school like me, good luck!

"Angelica! Peggy! Look, Alexander wrote to me!" Eliza was squealing as she ripped open the door to Peggy's room. Peggy smiled before face planting into her pillow.

"Good for you." Eliza sat on Peggy's bed and pulled her to a sitting position. "Rude. I was busy doing stuff."

"Really? Doing what now?" Eliza didn't believe any of what Peggy was saying, which was annoying. "Besides, I won't take much of your time." Just as she was going to retort with her own wonderfully crafted comment, Angelica burst in.

Angelica's hair was slightly messy, and her dress was slightly wrinkled. "Did you just say Alexander wrote to you?" Eliza nodded quickly, high on excitement. "What did he say?" Angelica sounded tired to Peggy. It was more than just sleep deprived too, more like sadness. Peggy vowed that she'd help her find love one day.

"My Dearest, Eliza," Eliza grinned at her sisters. Both sucked in a breath. That was big. A comma between dearest and Eliza. "Can you believe it!? Dearest comma Eliza!" Peggy smiled as Eliza flopped back onto the bed. She was sure everyone in the house could hear those squeals. Her sister's happiness was infectious, so much so that Peggy found herself losing the tension in her limbs.

"Well, what else did he say?" Angelica asked, curiosity showing. Her question only made Eliza giggle more.

Eliza playfully hit Angelica's arm. "I don't want to tell you everything, Angelica!" Peggy rolled her eyes. It was strange to see her sister a squealing mess. "He did say that I was the most beautiful woman he met, and that..." She tuned Eliza out of her mind.

It wasn't as if Peggy wasn't happy for Eliza, she was happy. Truly, she was. It was just that the ball just a few days earlier had flipped a switch in their lives. Yes, Eliza was still a kind and great sister, but she would talk about Alexander so much. It was like he was the only thing she could think about, and the only conversation topic she knew of. Angelica was always so sad, though Eliza never seemed to notice. Maybe Peggy had the advantage by hearing Angelica gush about Alexander, but still. She missed the late nights where they would all talk by a candlelight. She missed fantasising of the perfect boy for each sister. She missed hiding from their father in the gardens, wanting more time with one another. Most of all, she just missed the past. Peggy knew that they were growing up, but she never imagined one night could change so much.

"Can you believe it, Peggy?" Eliza grinned at her younger sister, mind set on Alexander Hamilton. Was it too much for Peggy to ask that he leaves them all alone? She quickly smiled back, hopefully being convincing.

"I can't believe it." Peggy cursed herself for not paying attention to the conversation. She took a leap of faith. "Alexander's quite the charmer, isn't he?" Eliza's smile somehow got wider as she nodded quickly. Peggy internally sighed in relief. Bingo.

Angelica chimed in, and placed a hand on Eliza's shoulder. "Before you begin ranting again, shouldn't you be writing back?" Her voice was calm and collected. How was she so good at hiding her emotions? "At his rate of writing, you have to get on the reply as fast as possible, won't you?" Peggy nodded, hoping this would mean she could get some alone time.

Eliza screeched, yet still somehow making it sound good. "You're so right, Angelica! Thank you so much." She quickly jumped up from Peggy's bed and rushed out the door, off to write. The remaining sisters looked at each other, both noticing how quickly Eliza left.

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