I May Not Live to See Our Glory

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I hated writing this chapter and kept almost crying when doing so! Before I begin, I would like to announce that I am in the process of writing a watching Hamilton fanfiction. I have no idea when the first chapter will come out, but look forward to that! Anyway, enjoy this chapter of Let Me be a Part of the Narrative!

John remembered that day, when he had met the girl if his dreams. He didn't believe in love at first sight, but from the moment he has seen her, he knew he just had to talk to her. She had been with her sisters, talking about the revolution, about how lucky they were to be alive. Even with the beauty, the spirit, the wit her sisters showed, John had eyes for only one of them.

Of course, it took four years for him to see her again.

That day, John had no idea his life would change. Alexander had successfully wooed Eliza Schuyler, the girl staring with absolute love. He had noticed how the two eldest sisters danced around the room, one looking for love, the other scouting the area. When the youngest wasn't seen, the alarms in his head started blaring. He was worried about a girl he hasn't talked to ever, and hadn't seen in four years.

After searching the room oh so unsuspiciously, meaning Mulligan and Lafayette had repeatedly asked him what he was looking for, John found her crying by a wall. Well, she had tears on her eyes. He had approached her, and she immediantly put up walls as to keep her emotions a secret. Probably feels the Schuyler name would be tainted by her emotions, John had thought.

They had just stood there, he had entertained a conversation, was surprised by her immediate words to call her Peggy. When she broke down into a panic, barely breathing, John cursed the world for hurting such an amazing woman. That day may have been the first they had together, but they were immediantly and undeniably in love.

John Laurens was incredibly in love with Peggy Schuyler.

Over the course of the weeks until the wedding between Alexander and Eliza, Peggy and John had written letters, shared their secrets with each other, fell more and more in love. They were the happiest weeks of his life. Then he had to go back to war, and everything shifted. He just wanted to go back home, where he was safe. Where he could be normal for one second.

Most of all, John wanted to hold Peggy in his arms. He wanted to card his hands through her hair, talk to her about anything and everything. She would press close to him, speak her mind. Show that wisdom online she had. One day that would have beautiful children who would fight for their rights and what they believed in. He had dreamed of the day he would ask her father's permission to marry her, then he'd propose. He'd never be able to do that now.

Tears raced down John's cheeks, mingling with the blood dripping out of his mouth. He squeezed the area where the bullet entered. Pain erupted in his side, and he pulled his hand away. Blood stained it, red and unforgiving.

Suddenly, the sky was much father away, and he was laying on the ground. His head was pounding, but he couldn't bring himself to move, to scream out, anything. Stars filled his vision, whether it is a hallucination or truly a part of the sky unknown to the man.

John began to cough, his throat was feeling more and more full. Alexander's words echoed in his mind.

“I may not love to see our Glory, but I will gladly join the fight!”

The night was so long ago. John wanted to tell his past self, “Death isn't worth it!” or “You should enjoy the time you have with your friends.” If he could, he would rewind the clock, enjoy life, figure out some way to live.

The night sky was so beautiful… If only the blur would stop...


Why was John's vision getting increasingly more blurry? Why couldn't he stop coughing? The sky was gone and his friends were gone and why couldn't he be given his happy ending why did this world have to take and take and take-

“John, you are the light in my life.”


“I know you don't want to leave me alone, but I also know you will forever feel guilty if you don't fight in the war.”

She knew him so well…

“I will support you in this, my star.”

His dear Peggy, his sunshine, she would be left without him. She didn't deserve to be left without the man she loved, he couldn't let…

John was laying in a pile of his own blood, his vision so blurry the stars we're just highlights in the sky. There was no way to live through this one, he knew that. He just…

The pain began to leave John, untill he was numb entirely. Was this a sign? Images of Peggy laughing, dancing, just living happily filled his mind. She would marry some wealthy man one day, he would take care of her, and they would have beautiful children. One day, she would be happy again. That was what he was fighting for.

With his last breath, John Laurens whispered a final proclamation and closed his eyes.

“I love you.”

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