Every Day's a Test of our Camaraderie and Bravery

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Hello Everyone! This might be the fastest update i've ever done. I hope you enjoy this chapter, especially because i'm already emotional from what the next chapter is going to be like. Enjoy!

For the first time during this revolution, John wanted more than anything to go home. It wasn't that it was dangerous and he genuinely feared for his life, though that certainly was a part of it, most of it was the fact that he missed Peggy.

Peggy, who wore dresses with bright colors so that she would be seen. Peggy, who had negative thoughts running through her brain from the years of people forgetting her for her sisters. Peggy, who broke down as soon as someone showed just a little bit of true interest in her. Peggy, who devoted so much of her time to her sister's happiness. Peggy, who was the youngest Schuyler sister and way out of John's league. Of course, John had fallen in love with her.

It was corny, but every night he would think of her, and every time he fought John would fight harder knowing that he was fighting for her freedom. He would fight a million battles as long as Peggy was safe.

John wrote to Peggy every chance he got. Well, as long as no one was present to see him writing. Every letter he got from her seemed to shift his world, and gave him new meaning to fight the war. This was one of those times. He poured himself into his letters for Peggy, hoping to tell her something new about himself every time. After all, he had learned so much from her.

Peggy and John confided everything in each other. She had told him of her negative feelings surrounding herself, of her complicated emotions about Alexander, and had expressed everything about the situation with Angelica. John didn't want to intrude on anything between sisters, but he supported Peggy. He would always support her, and she supported him. When he had expressed his feelings about slavery, when he told her of the constant frustration Alex brought to his life, and the trauma he had already gained from this revolution. Really, it was sickening that King George desired this new world so much he would torment and look down upon those who live in it.

Reading the letter he had just been sent from his dearest Peggy, John wondered how he got through his life without her at his side. It was strange for someone with such high status to agree with him on the blatent fact that slavery was wrong. Most would politely disagree, maybe yell if you're unlucky, and at rare times turn to violence, but not Peggy. She agreed, and said that she was friends with some of the family slaves! Someone in the Schuyler family believed slavery was wrong! John wondered if Angelica and Eliza would agree. He hoped they did, especially because Alexander agreed and Eliza would surely suffer if she thought slavery was a good thing.

As John prepared to begin writing yet another letter to Peggy, Alexander burst into the tent. His dark hair was in an extremely messy ponytail, there were bags dark as bruises under his eyes and a huge dark spot of ink decorated his shirt. Clearly he'd gone into one of his non-stop sessions of writing. Washington must've sent him back.

Alexander collapsed on his cot, not bothering to take off his stained and probably incredibly smelly clothes.

"Alex-" John started, before being interrupted by the man himself.

"Laurens, you will not believe what Washington just did." Alexander's voice was muffled, but John could still hear him. John would guess all Washington did was tell Alex it was time to head to bed, especially since John was barely able to read and write in the candlelight, and both Lafayette and Hercules were asleep already, but it was always important to humor Alexander.

John silently began to put away his writing things, but still talked to Alexander. "What did he do?"

"He promoted Charles Lee to general!" John froze, head refusing to process the words correctly. Charles Lee wasn't exactly somehow who screamed 'general material'. There wasn't any good reason for him to become a general. Why would Washington choose him of all people?

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