May You Always Be Satisfied

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Sooooo, orginally this chapter was going to be full of jeggy fluff and angst, but then it turned out to be centered around the Schuyler sisters. Jeggy is still a huge part of it, but this chapter did turn out way different than I imagined. Also, I included Lafayette in this chapter, but I didn't know exactly how to write him, so if you get annoying with how I did do it, sorry. With that in mind, enjoy the chapter!

Although Peggy wasn't the bride, she was incredibly nervous for this wedding.Peggy carefully placed the veil on Eliza's head, smoothing out her hair while doing so. Meanwhile, Angelica held her hands, reassuring the soon to be bride, who was understandably stressed. All three girls were overjoyed for this day, though Peggy was excited for more than one reason.

One: Eliza would be able to be with Alexander, someone who she loved deeply. The guy promised to take good care of her, and everyone hoped he would. Plus, with Alexander she would get to live out her dream of being a mother. Eliza would be getting exactly what she wanted in life. That in itself was an incredible gift.

Two: Alexander would get to join the Schuyler family. Or, as Peggy put it, the Schuyler Sibling Clan. True, he wouldn't be a Schuyler by name, but he would be she and Angelica's brother. They didn't have any brothers, so that would be an entirely new experience. Peggy had been the last addition to their closely knit trio, but with Alex, they surely would become a wonderful quartet.

Three: Today was the day she would finally get to see her John Laurens once again. They had been writing letters to each other secretly. In the few weeks the two knew each other, they had fallen hopelessly in love. Peggy couldn't wait to see him again, couldn't wait to celebrate with him. It made her feel awful, but she couldn't help but be thinking of John and how happy he would be seeing his best friend be married. It wasn't as if she was so incredibly in love he was all she thought about, it was just that she had read his letters.

Peggy and John had been sending letters to one another constantly. They had learned so much in the small time they knew each other that it was as if they had spent years together. Peggy hoped they would get to spend the rest of their days with each other. She didn't care that war was their reality now, just that they would push through it. The young couple would win despite everything

As she would daydream of her love, Peggy wouldn't notice her sisters adding the finishing touches to Eliza's perfect look, or their eventual poking and prodding as she would stand there. Maybe she did think about him more than the usual person. Finally, Angelica spoke up loud enough to break the younger Schuyler Sister out of her mind, "Peggy!"

"What?" Peggy asked, a bit annoyed that she had been interrupted. It was only when she got a good look at Eliza, with her white wedding dress and fancily done hair, that she was fully brought back to reality. "Oh," she said softly, feeling tears begin to pool in her eyes. This was her big sister, fully decked out in her wedding attire, getting married before Angelica (who they had bet would get married first) or Peggy herself who was head over heels for a soldier going to war. This day was an incredible one.

Eliza reached towards Peggy and wiped a tear from her cheek. "Oh, Peggy! I'm getting married today!" She squealed, a joyful glow to her. "I can't believe it!" Peggy smiled at her sister as she was practically bouncing. Alexander had been good for Eliza's happiness. Peggy was sure she had never seen Eliza so happy in her entire life.

An arm rested on Peggy's shoulders, and an identical one wapped around Eliza. Angelica hugged the sisters so very tightly, as if she was willing them to stay with her. However, it was too late for that. Peggy knew that as close as they were, marriage would move them away from each other.

"It's time." Angelica whispered, grip loosening. Eliza offered swift hugs to her sisters before racing out of the room, no doubt eager to be married. Peggy grabbed Angelica's hand before the older sister could leave.

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