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I had no idea what to think when Bella started having nightmares. It concerned me deeply knowing she wasn't sleeping for whatever reason and it didn't help that she wouldn't talk to me about it. Jasper tried his best to comfort me when he was around to see me get upset about her. I had a feeling that her lack of restful sleep had to do with her current obsession with Edward and trying to figure out what he was. Whenever she went into lock down mode I'd find a way out of the house whether it be hanging out with Courtney or going on little dates with Jasper.

My mood however soured when it decided to be sunny one day during the week. Jasper at least drove me to school and before letting me go, he kissed me whispering that he'd see me after school.

Courtney and Lauren decided to stick with me throughout the day. I'm pretty sure Lauren didn't think I'd notice her trying to faze Bella out of the circle during lunch. To prevent this I made sure to try to keep her involved with the conversation, which proved to be difficult seems how her head was in another place most of lunch.

Jasper also found a way to keep my spirits least somewhat up by sending me cute little texts like: "I miss you" and "I love you darling" or "I haven't stopped thinking of you". All of these things made me feel warm and fuzzy. God I feel like a little school girl but damn did it feel good to be in love with someone like Jasper. A true gentleman and a true man.

"...Darling?" Jasper nuzzled me causing my thoughts to fade to the back of my mind.

The both of us were currently in a canvas hammock I had hung in the backyard for reading and what not. With both Bella and Charlie out of the house until dusk I decided to just lounge around with Jasper today. We didn't have any homework that needed to be done and Jasper had gone hunting yesterday afternoon making this the perfect time for us to just be a couple.

"Hmm?" I hummed softly currently tucked next to Jasper with his arms enveloping me.

"You zoned out on me. I was asking you if you wanted to come over to my place," I blinked a few times in surprise.

Not once since we've been together have I ever gone to his place. In fact I don't think I've ever been invited over there.

"Are we finally at that stage in our relationship where I can meet your parents?" I joked knowing Carlisle and Esme weren't really parents per say, just coven leaders.

"Shush you," Jasper kissed me with a smile on his lips as I ran hand hand against his cheek.

I loved the feeling of his stubble against my skin. It honestly reminded me of very very fine sandpaper.

"Just to let you know my answer is a yes," I grinned still wrapped up in his embrace.

"I'll make sure to let Esme know. That woman despite being what she is, loves to cook and bake," Jasper laughed.

"Oh god I feel like I'm going to gain five pounds by the end of my visit," I laughed.

"Even if you did I'd still love you," Jasper whispered.

I gave a blissful look and placed my head on his shoulder allowing the breeze to kinda rock the hammock.


I watched from a distance as Bella continued to burry nose in books and ignore everything else. Frowning I turn back to my salad. I felt Jasper squeeze my hand softly as to let me know that he could feel my shift in emotions.

"Abby is everything ok? You seem down," Rosalie asked breaking my train of thought.

"I wish I could say yes but that would be a lie. In all truth and honesty, I'm worried. Bella is starting to ignore the world in her quest for knowledge," I admitted for the first time out loud.

I mean Jasper knew but that's because he's a fricken empath.

"Too bad she's going to end up empty handed until Edward spills the beans," Rosalie scowled.

"I know and that is what's troublesome. Both of them are playing the tip toe game and it's maddening. I have to listen to Bella rant about Edward and sometimes so does Jasper if she decides to do it at like 2am," I frowned.

"Hey hey, don't fret. I foresaw what's going to happen. Edward is going to tell her soon," Alice smiled rubbing my back.

"Soon? How soon?" Rosalie looked displeased but then again, she's never liked my cousin for what ever reason.

"I'm not sure. All I know is that something major is going to happen for the both of them which forces Edward to have to," Alice shrugged.

I looked back at Bella with another frown. That girl is going to be the death of not only me but quite possible Jasper too.


AN:// An Update! Finally! I'm sorry I've taken so long to update this. I also apologize for the shortness of this chapter. I thought a little Absper fluff would make up for my lack of updates. Everything is really hectic in my house because not only are my brother's starting school again, but I'm starting that WONDERFUL journey called college (insert sarcasm). Again, I'm sorry about the lack of updates!

Love you're friendly neighborhood Jasper fan,

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