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Port Angeles



Today was the day of the Port Angeles trip that Jessica and Courtney were going on about since Monday, and honestly it was uneventful. The only part of today that was memorable was the time that Jasper and I spent cuddling under the bleachers during free period. To top it off, I felt bad lying to Jasper about where I was going and what I was doing. Even if it was a harmless white lie, it didn't stick right with me.

I sat in front of the mirror checking over my makeup and my hair one last time. I decided to go more natural with my look and wore my hair in a pony tail with a natural looking makeup. As for my outfit I went with a fitted light grey sweater with a lose knit tan infinity scarf for the top half and a dark red pleated mini skirt for the bottom half.

"Angela says it's a little cold and rainy in Port Angeles. Go with dark pantyhose and your winter boots," Bella spoke leaning against the frame of my bedroom door.

"Thanks," I stated gathering my things.

"I know I've been a little harsh but thank you for coming with me to this," Bella spoke before quickly disappearing down the hall.

I only chuckled in response to my cousin. At least she said thank you this time.

Jessica drove a whole hell of a lot faster than Bella or Charlie ever did. We were able to get there by four in the afternoon. This was the first time Bella has ever dragged me anywhere. Normally I'm the one having to drag her to things.

I knew before hand that Bella wasn't exactly the social type and did my best to be the bridge between her and the extremely girly atmosphere. All Jessica wanted to do was grill me more about Jasper. I found myself more than a few times getting annoyed with the increasingly personal questions coming from Jessica's mouth. I think even Bella, who is practically clueless when it came to boys, recognized that Jessica was going a little far. Angela thankfully was able to change the subject to the dance.

"How have you never been to dance before?" Jessica gasped at Bella when Bella revealed her quote on quote deep dark secret.

"Bella doesn't do the whole dance thing. She much rather sit there and read a book in the comfort of her home than go be social," I teased lovingly.

"What about you Abby? Did you go to dances in Phoenix?" Jessica asked curiously.

"Yes I did. I kinda had to because I was apart of the dance committee. It would look bad if I didn't," I laughed.

"I'm guessing there has never been a shortage of guys asking you to these dances," Jessica wiggled her brows.

I only made a face however when the subject some how found its way back to me.

"You're right, there was never a shortage of them, but I personally preferred to go with a group of friend rather than worry about a date," I laughed slightly with a smile.

"What about you Bella? Have you ever had a boyfriend?" Jessica asked as we entered the store.

"No. No one really asked me," Bella shifted uncomfortably from the question Jessica asked her.

"You have people who ask you out here," she reminded Bella, "and you always say no."

We started to look through the juniors section for dresses but I was on the look out for more causal wear. Alice had already picked out my dress for me and told me I'd love it. I trusted her on fashion so I decided not to question the seer. After all Jasper did warn me not to question his pixie sister when it came to fashion. Even Rosalie didn't question her so I wasn't about to open that can of worms and besides it's not like I'm too upset with her choices in dress. I mean the look on Jasper's face made it well worth the possible discomfort. Gotta hand it to her, pixie knows her shit.

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