~Rooster head~

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I 'get' many things. Don't run away; It's not as weird as it supposedly sounds. I'm just trying to say in as little words as possible that I understand how things work around me to a certain extent. I'm not as smart as Kuroo, but I know all about the customs and traditions I grew up with, certain social standards and what I am expected to do in some situations to be seen as acceptable in the unforgiving eyes of society for a short while at least.

Kindly notice the 'some' in the above statement.

However shocking it may seem, it is an absolute, irresputable fact that I am not  a people person. Genuine questions that I ask myself every single day is along the lines of 'Why are they still wasting their time talking with each other when it is not only more productive but also enjoyable to do almost anything else? Or do they actually enjoy it? Is that what it is?'

At this point in my thought process is when I start to get legitimately confused and want to end the train of thought because I know that following it will lead to a very thorny path indeed, but on the days that I am feeling adventurous-

'What in their conversation is so interesting? What fun could possibly be derived from listening to what movie somebody watched last night? If you're going to summarise a movie, include the key events or don't say anything at all- how are your friends supposed to know anything about it? I guess when talking about the things you like sometimes rarely you come across a good topic to think about and analyse by yourself, but the conversation is moving so fast that it's a wonder they even have time to take in oxygen... how are their brains functioning well enough to continue to make up  new topics of conversation and how do they always know what the other is talking...'

We were having lunch in our homerooms while I was on another one of my mental rants, this time accompanied by some doodling of a game character I particularly liked and played a lot for its multiple abilities when a shadow appeared over my desk. I expectantly waited for whoever this person was to move, as I couldn't see my drawing properly in the sudden darkness.

After about a minute of the shadow staying stubbornly put I finally looked up to see the culprit, exasperated but not showing it. To my surprise, it was one of the people in the group I had seen before talking.

I'm fairly sure that everybody in this class knows already that I'm practicality mute to most people. I though to myself, hoping that she would go away.

The girl standing in front of my own figure hunched over on my desk was one of the more popular students in my class, judging solely on the amount of boyfriends per month she manages to pick up, or so I've heard. I never even actually pay attention to anyone in my classes except for my few friends, but people sure like to make information like that clear to everybody else- not sure how I feel about that.

She had thick blue-black hair with seemingly unnecessary light brown highlights that reached somewhere midway between her waist and shoulders; I wouldn't call it long, but we wasn't exactly a small person so it wasn't short- she was about the same height as me, and while I don't like a lot of things about myself, I think my height is okay- and for having such thick hair, her face always looked really smooth.
She wasn't the thinnest in the class, but there was no chance of her being labelled fat as the soft curves only added to her figure. Although her round eyes looked black, this wasn't possible so you just had to assume that they were dark brown.

"Hey, Kenma, like your drawing-" Realising my amateur mistake, I immediately scoot one of my arms over farther to cover most of the character. "-What is it?"

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