All hail Prince Kenma The Great

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I couldn't see anything. It was all a dark grey. It wasn't exactly the darkness that prevented me from seeing; it was more like the grey had a physical  volume that I couldn't see past. I awoke deep inside the walls of the ditch that I had probably fallen into who knew how long ago. The raging headache that had greeted me the second I had gained consciousness  was refusing to relent and my whole fatigued body was aching due to unknown circumstances, so my first impulse was to stay where I was and wait for help to arrive, but an irresistible urge made me scramble up out of my cage and continue on.

Where was it? As I trudged valiantly(or stumbled, it depends on what you want to believe)onwards through the thick dark fog, I was warily certain that I was looking for something, something important. Without this certain 'something', my life would probably be in great jeopardy.

I say 'probably' because I actually have no idea what it is that I am trying so hard to find. You would think that, if it was to be so important that I find this questionable thing that without it I would think my life would be in danger, I'd at least know what it was that I was looking for, but nope. What was even stranger was that I could confidently say that I wasn't concerned in the slightest about this fact.

My feet were hurting as I walked slowly forwards on through what I could only describe to be a  rough, hard and sometimes crumbly resistance. I walked for hours through this vast nothingness that the dense fog was making everything around me seem to be, but although the fog might as well have been opaque I somehow did not think to give in to hopelessness once as I cast my useless eyes out for a sign that my journey had come to an end.

I knew that I didn't want to be here- I was cold, I realised, and beyond exhausted from overworking my body so drastically to the point of collapse, and I had a feeling that if it were anything else, I would have given up searching far before this and gone off to the nearest place I could find to relax, thinking about ways to go on like normal without its existence- that is, if it was something important-

It was only after I felt a sharp pain in my right foot, and reached down and feel a warm, sticky liquid slowly oozing out from the side, that I made the connection to me being barefoot. It suddenly made sense why my feet were hurting so much.

Now that I knew about my lack of shoes, I was suddenly curious to find out the state of my other clothes, as they could be important to figuring out what exactly was missing somehow, or, if I was lucky, I could find a flashlight or something to aid my search. Just patting myself down, at least, wouldn't be too taxing.

My dry, shivering hands, encrusted with what felt like dust and dirt, gingerly patted all around my ankles to find nothing except for a thick layer of dust. Upon my shins, however, I could feel a thick, silk-like material, which, although tattered, highly suggested that I probably belonged to some society, either that or I was(had been?) skilled enough to make clothes. I was apparently wearing silk trousers, tightly encompassing my waist with a belt made from something tough, hard and smooth that made me further suspect some sort of wealth.

A thick, long coat made from the same material with yet thicker cuffs for the sleeves and neck. From noticing this, my neck, arms and torso started to feel a slight stiffness and discomfort that I hadn't really felt before, although that made me almost thankful for the many cold-inducing large tears in the rich material, especially along the arms. There were large buttons all down the front which all bore a little pattern on them with also large pockets on both chests, but the most noticeable feature was the slit on the backside which meant that it was a tailcoat.

With a newfound curiosity I looked up determined to find out at least what time of day it was- if it was night or close to I would only have a limited amount of hours more to search before having to go and seek shelter and maybe find somebody who would be able to aid my search in the morning, when hopefully the fog had cleared.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2020 ⏰

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