Part 8

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When I arrived at the next lesson with Jim in the Royal Treasury, he held up his hands in apology. "I know, I know, I'm sorry! I really couldn't get away!"

I sat down in front of him, placing my finished books in front of him with unnecessary force and glaring silently.

"I sent you Nate, didn't I?" He clasped his hands in front of him, getting on his knees and pretending to beg "Oh great future queen spare me!"

I couldn't help it. I laughed at that. "Fine. You are forgiven."

"Whew!" He mimed wiping a nervous sweat from his forehead and got back to his desk. "Did you really fire every single corrupt official in the duchy?"

"First of all, I didn't 'fire' anyone. They accepted an 'early retirement' as a reward for their hard work." I shook my head as Jim rolled with laughter. "And no, I didn't get rid of all of them, just the four with the most power. Without their support, and newer, more honest management in place, the whole corrupt system will collapse on itself."

"And hopefully not take the Duchy down with it?"

I shrugged. "Never said my work was over. All I've done so far was the easy part." Looking around the room, trying to appear casual, I asked. "Is Nate not coming today?"

Jim smiled. "Ah, she notices at last. Actually, that's on purpose. I gave him a later time to show up." Leaning forward, he looked surprisingly serious. "Tommy told me about the argument you two had after he saved you from getting punched in the face."

"Hallers..." I sighed, unsurprised.

"He worries about you too much, which is shocking really." He chuckled. "I didn't think Tommy knew how to care about anything besides perfection at work. He really isn't one to make friends."

I felt a worrying pain in my chest at those words. "We're not friends. I provide an constantly improving and complex work environment. He supports that. That's all. There's nothing personal about it."

Jim sighed. "Sure, just keep telling yourself that, kid."

Running a hand through his hair, he continued. "I know you had your plans, and they involved you putting yourself at risk... but I'm not going to lecture you about that."


"You DO have an impossible task, and honestly there are going to be risks in any path you take if you genuinely want to save your home. I don't know the best way to accomplish that, or if it even CAN be done. So how can I tell you not to go all out?"

I felt relieved, "Thank you."

"That's not what I wanted to talk about with you about." He hesitated once more. "Nate... he cares deeply about the people around him. And he's lost so much already... too much for someone who is the same age as you."

I frowned. "So I should feel sorry for him? Let him boss me around?"

"You know that's not what I'm saying." He rolled his eyes. "Just know that you're not the only messed up person out there, and try to understand. The world is a lot more complicated then you think. You putting yourself in danger may seem reasonable and simple to you, but to him... it reminds him of regrets and things he wishes he could forget."

"..." I knew better than anyone the secrets people held. I shouldn't be surprised that Nate carried some of his own. "I'll think about it."

"Thanks." Jim looked relieved. "He's a good kid, a little too quiet sometimes, but I don't want you two falling out over something silly."

"What's silly?" Walking through the door, Nate entered, smiling.

Jim waved a hand. "Nothing. Let's get started with the lesson."

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