Part 11

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I thought I had mentally prepared for my mother's arrival. It had been almost two years since I had last seen her face in my past life. I couldn't help but wonder if she would be any different in this one. So many things had already changed here and there, perhaps she had as well.

Sitting at my desk, pretending to work but unable to even read one page, I stopped to laugh at myself. At these types of pathetic hopes. I knew better than anyone that she wouldn't change.

I heard the sounds of a carriage outside, dropping the unread book in my hand with a loud thud. My heart rate increased, pounding in my chest as I stood up, moving towards the entrance.

I could already hear her screaming.

"HOW DARE YOU DROP MY BAG YOU STUPID COW!" Mother stood there, her face red with rage, screaming at one the young women who worked as a maid at our home. She was a newer hire, I had only seen her a few times around the main hall, but I felt a pang of sympathy as she shied away from my mother's anger, mumbling apologies as she clutched the bag in question.

"I'LL TEACH YOU TO DISRESPECT ME!" the terrified words and tears of the maid fell on deaf ears, as my mother raised her hand, preparing to strike the girl. Even in her anger, a slight grin tugged on the corner of her mouth. She thrived off of moments like this, making others afraid.


"What happened?!" As she got in the carriage after the disastrous party, mother glared at my father and me, confused.

"Prince Ronan... he... he broke off the engagement." I could barely force the words out through my tears. My father sat at my side, trying to hand me a handkerchief to dry my eyes, looking overwhelmed.

"..." The carriage was deathly silent. My mother looked at me with a tired, disdainful gaze.

"So you've finally done it?" Her gaze was sharp, feeling as though it was flaying me open. "I've told you over and over to ensure he fell in love with you, and in the end you couldn't even keep him interested enough to tie the knot?!"

"Dear, maybe this isn't the time or place...?" My father interrupted with a sympathetic glance towards me, but was ignored.

"Did he leave you for another woman?" Her question was cold, sucking all the warmth out of the carriage. I shivered, trying to hold back further tears and nodded silently.

"THEN WHY DID I WASTE ALL MY TIME ON SUCH A WORTHLESS GIRL?!!" Her hand raised up in the air. I closed my eyes as it came down towards me, wishing I was someone else.


The lawn was silent. Mother's hand was stopped, paused mid-swing as I reached out and grabbed it. The contact stung my palm, but I smiled gently, refusing to show any pain in front of her. Behind me, the maid still crouched, staring up at us both with wide eyes, only releasing the bag she still held as a grim-faced Hallers reached out and took it from her.

"Welcome back, Mother. Why don't we have some tea inside?"

My first words to my mother since I woke up in my second life. It felt oddly surreal. Our eyes met, and despite my complex feelings she didn't appear to realize anything was amiss. Shrugging, she dropped her hand and stepped away from the maid, a bored expression back in place.

"No, no tea just yet." She was looking at the family home with disgust. "I must have a bath first, I'm positively filthy from the road dust." Without a further glance at anyone, she strolled inside, heading upstairs. Shooting a quick glance to me to confirm I had no disagreement, Hallers went into action, giving out instructions to the servants to arrange the bath and unpacking.

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